Cooperative game theory
Lectures on cooperative game theory [NOPT057] in summer semester 2023/2024. Takes place every Friday 12:20 in S3 on Malostranké square.
I am teaching together with prof. Martin Loebl.
The main goal of the course is to introduce fundamentals of cooperative game theory. In the second part, we losely follows topics from [NDMI098] Algorithmic game theory, focusing on concepts of fairness and cooperation.
Plan of lectures:
- Fundamentals of cooperative game theory (cca 6 lectures)
- Concepts of fairness (2-3 lectures)
- Routing games (1-2 lectures)
- Price of anarchy and regret minimisation (1-2 lectures)
The lectures are losely connected to [NOPT060] Cooperative game theory seminar (in Czech, only), focused on formulation and solving of open problems in cooperative game theory.
Overview of lectures and study materials
Date: | Description of lectures | Slides | Handouts |
1.3.2024 | Introduction to cooperative game theory | here | here |
8.3.2024 | Cancelled | here | here |
1.3.-15.3.2024 | The core | here | here |
15.3.2024 | The nucleolus | here | here |
22.3.2024 | The Shapley value | here | here |
29.3.2024 | Good friday | here | here |
5.4.2024 | Classes of games | here | here |
12.4.2024 | Generalised models of cooperative games | here | here |
19.4.2024 | NTU-cooperative games (pages 71-76 in the linked book) | here | here |
--- | Stable Matchings (chapter 10 in the linked book) | here | here |
--- | Selfish Routing and Price of Anarchy (chapter 11 in the linked book) | here | here |