Algorithmic game theory (NDMI098) - tutorials

Time of the tutorial: Monday 12:20pm, in room S11.

Instructor: Martin Balko E-mail: balko (AT)


  • The tutorials take place irregularly according to the preliminary schedule shown below.
  • Yon can get up to 36 points for solving enough problems assigned during the semester. Each problem is evaluated according to its difficulty. Usually, you will have two weeks to solve the problems and write your solutions. It is not possible to get any points for solving the problems after a deadline has passed.
  • You need at least one-half of all available points, that is 18 points, to get credit for the course.
  • Generally, the more points you get, the easier the exam will be for you.
  • On the day of a deadline, your solutions should be handed in before the tutorial.
  • All homework will be available at Sovička. To sign in for the course, use the token 31e1d853efc6.
  • All exercises from tutorials as well as all homework will also be available here on this website.
  • Homework assignment 1: [PDF] - assigned 7.10.2024, deadline 21.10.2024.
  • Homework assignment 2: [PDF] - assigned 4.11.2024, deadline 18.11.2024.
  • Homework assignment 3: [PDF] - assigned 18.11.2024, deadline 2.12.2024.
  • Homework assignment 4: [PDF] - assigned 16.12.2024, deadline 31.1.2025.

  • First tutorial (30.9.2024): Introduction, linear programming boot camp. We showed solutions for exercises 1, 3, 4, and 5. List of exercises: [PDF].
  • Second tutorial (7.10.2024): Nash equilibria. We showed solutions for exercises 1, 2, and 4 and we computed Nash's equilibria for the Battle of Sexes game. List of exercises: [PDF].
  • (14.10.2024): Possible consultations (let me know by email if you are interested).
  • Third tutorial (21.10.2024): Bimatrix games. We showed solutions for Homework 1 and exercises 1, 2, 3, and sketch of 5. List of exercises: [PDF].
  • (28.10.2024): The tutorial is canceled (Czechoslovak Independence Day).
  • Fourth tutorial (4.11.2024): The Lemke-Howson algorithm. We showed solutions for exercises 1 and 2 and. List of exercises: [PDF].
  • Fifth tutorial (11.11.2024): Epsilon-Nash and correlated equilibria. We showed solutions for exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, and partially 5. List of exercises: [PDF].
  • Sixth tutorial (18.11.2024): Regret minimization. We showed solutions for Homework 2 and exercises 1, 2, 3, and 5. List of exercises: [PDF].
  • Seventh tutorial (25.11.2024): Swap regret and internal regret. We showed solutions for exercises 1, 2, and 4. List of exercises: [PDF].
  • Eighth tutorial (2.12.2024): Games in extensive form. We showed solutions for Homework 3 and exercises 2, 3, and 4. List of exercises: [PDF].
  • Ninth tutorial (9.12.2024): Mechanism design basics. We showed solutions for exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. List of exercises: [PDF].
  • Tenth tutorial (16.12.2024): Revenue maximizing auctions. We showed solutions for exercises 1, 2, and 3. List of exercises: [PDF].
  • Eleventh tutorial (6.1.2025): Bulow–Klemperer theorem, multi-parameter environments, and knapsack auctions. We showed solutions for exercises 1, 2, 3, 4a, and partially 4b. List of exercises: [PDF].

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