Probabilistic techniques, WS 2023/24 - tutorials.
This is a tutorial session for the lecture on Probabilistic techniques (NTIN022) taught by Mykhaylo Tyomkyn. The main content of the tutorials is solving homework. There will be sessions sporadically throughout the semester on Thursdays at 12:20 p.m in S10.
- There will be 5 homework sets, to solve each of them you will have approximately 3 weeks.
- One week before the deadline, there will be hints.
- When hints for a problem set are published, its points are reduced to half.
- Solutions will not be accepted after deadline.
- The deadline is always before the beginning of the tutorial on the day of the deadline.
- To pass the tutorial you will need: 32 points in total and solve correctly at least four problems from different problems sets each.
- There will be at least 100 points in total, approximately 20 points each homework.
- To pass the course without taking the exam you have to reach 66 points in total.
A word on submitting solutions:
- You can submit your solutions and questions by email.
- Please send the solutions to homework sets 1,2 and 3 to Tomáš Hons, honst+pt23”at” The plus sign is part of the email address and you only need to replace “at” by the symbol @.
- Please send the solutions to homeworks sets 4 and 5 to Denys Bulavka, dbulavka+pt23”at”
- Make sure to submit your solutions in PDF format.
Date | Plan |
05.10.2023 | We will have tutorial. Classwork 1. Homework 1. |
12.10.2023 | We will have tutorial. Classwork 2. |
19.10.2023 | We will not have tutorial. [Homework 1 hints.] |
26.10.2023 | We will have tutorial. Classwork 3. Homework 2. |
02.11.2023 | We will not have tutorial. |
09.11.2023 | We will have tutorial. Classwork 4. [Homework 2 hints.] Homework 3. |
16.11.2023 | We will not have tutorial. |
23.11.2023 | We will have tutorial. Classwork 5. [Homework 3 hints.] Homework 4. |
30.11.2023 | We will have tutorial. |
07.12.2023 | We will not have tutorial. [Homework 4 hints.] Homework 5 |
14.12.2023 | We will have tutorial. |
21.12.2023 | We will have tutorial. |
04.01.2024 | We will not have tutorial. [Homework 5 hints.] |
11.01.2024 | We will have tutorial. |