Talks of M. Klazar
- Growth rates of hereditary
permutation classes ("Noon lecture", seminary room of DIMATIA, KAM,
ITI etc., Prague, November 21, 2002).
- Davenport-Schinzel sequences and
their applications in combinatorial geometry and graph theory
(Technische Universitaet Dresden, Germany, November 28, 2002).
- Mocninné řady v kombinatorické
(habilitační přednáška, MFF UK Praha, 7. května 2003) [Power series
in combinatorial enumeration , habilitation lecture, Charles
University, Prague, May 7, 2003] (also given in the conference Graphs 2003 in
Javorna , June 4, 2003).
- On growth rates of hereditary permutation
classes , joint work with T. Kaiser (poster on the conference FPSAC'03 , Vadstena, Sweden,
June 26, 2003).
- On a proof of the Stanley-Wilf conjecture by
Marcus and Tardos ("Noon lecture", lecture room S7, Prague,
27, 2003); see also the article on G. Tardos' page
and opinion
58 of D. Zeilberger
- Counting set partitions (Seminar
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, February 12,
2004); comments and errata
- Permutations as hypergraphs (invited
talk on
the conference Paths,
Permutations and Trees , organized by the Center for Combinatorics,
Nankai University, Tianjin, China, February 27, 2004).
- Enumerative and extremal results for
ordered hypergraphs (Conference
on Extremal Combinatorics honoring 200 years of Peter Frankl,
Füredi, Ervin Györi and János Pach, Budapest, Hungary, April 5,
- On the recent result of Green and Tao
about arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions of primes ("noon
lecture", lecture room S6, Prague, June 3, 2004) [This is a survey talk
about the proof, given in the preprint of B.
Green and T. Tao, that the set of primes contains arithmetic
progressions of any length. Not very often one has an opportunity to
report about such an achievement!]
- On the numbers of crossings and nestings of a matching,
(COLOQUIO DEL IMATE-UNAM-Morelia, Mexico, March 16, 2005).
- On growth rates
of closed sets of permutations, set partitions, ordered graphs and
objects (The First Czech-Catalan Conference in
Mathematics, Prague, Czechia, May 27-28, 2005).
- Speeds of growth of hereditary classes of structures (Workshop
on Permutation Patterns, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel, May
29-June 3, 2005).
- Umění počítat a mocninné řady ( Konference českých matematiků ,
Jevíčko 7.-9. 6. 2006) [Art
of counting and power series, Conference of the Czech
Mathematical Society, Jevicko, June 7-9, 2006, invited talk].
- Non-holonomic sequences
(joint work with J. P. Bell, S. Gerhold and F. Luca, SFU
Discrete Math Day at IRMACS,
June 22, 2006, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada).
- How many ordered factorizations may n have? (joint work
with F.
Luca, Canadian
Number Theory Association IX Meeting , University of British
Columbia, July 9-14, 2006, Vancouver, Canada).
- Bell numbers-unordered and ordered-and algebraic differential
equations (ICM 2006 ,
August 24, contributed 15 min talk).
- How many ordered
factorizations may n have?
(joint work with F.
Luca), lecture at the noon seminar (mentioning the recent ultimate improvement
of our bounds by Deléglise, Hernane and Nicolas), March 15, 2007.
- Leonard Euler (1707-1783), Ben Green
(1977) a Terry Tao (1975): prvočísla před třemi sty lety a dnes
(zvaná přednáška na Kirwitzerových
dnech , Kadaň, 21. 4. 2007).
- Polynomial and quasipolynomial counting
(DIMATIA week,
Prague, CR, April 25, 2007).
- Polynomial counting
(conference Permutation
Patterns 2007, St Andrews, Scotland, June 12, 2007, invited
- Jumps from polynomial to Fibonacci growth
in combinatorial structures (18th
Czech and Slovak International Number Theory Conference, Smolenice
castle, Slovakia, August 28, 2007, 20 min contributed talk).
- Generalizations of Khovanskii's theorem on
growth of sumsets in abelian semigroups (extended abstract) -
sorry, color classes are invisible in the b&w scan (EuroComb 07, Seville,
Spain, September 13, 2007, 20 min contributed talk).
- Speeds of permutation classes (Slovak-Austrian
Mathematical Congress 2007, hotel Permon, Podbanske, Slovakia,
September 19, 2007, 45 min invited talk in the minisymposium Analytic
combinatorics and probabilistic number theory).
- Some properties of holonomic sequences (The 7th Polish, Slovak and
Czech Conference on Number Theory, hotel Sepetná, Ostravice, CR,
June 12, 2008, 20 min contributed talk).
- Theorems of van der Waerden, Roth and Szemerédi on arithmetic
progressions: lecture 1 and lecture 2 (two 90 min lecures, Ph.D. Student Mathematical
Conference organized by the Department of Mathematics of the
Faculty of Science of the University of Ostrava, Malenovice, October
17, 2008).
- Some general results on enumeration of
graphs (The 44th Czech and
Slovak Conference GRAPHS 2009, hotel Diery, Terchová, Slovakia, May
27, 2009, 45 min invited talk).
- Několik výsledků z obecné kombinatorické enumerace [A few results
from general combinatorial enumeration] (Combinatorial and algebraic
structures seminar of the TIGR group, Doppler Institute, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences
and Physical Engineering of the Czech Technical University, April 6, 2010, 60 min talk).
- Theorems of Ramsey, van der Waerden and Roth: lecture 1 and lecture 2 (two lecures, The 4th Ph.D. Student Mathematical
Conference organized by the Department of Mathematics of the
Faculty of Science of the University of Ostrava, chata Hrádek, October 25 and 26, 2010).
- Counting paths in the honeycomb lattice, noon seminar, March 31, 2011.
- Counting paths in the honeycomb graph, CSASC 2011, Krems, Austria, September 27, 2011.
- Generating functions in number theory and combinatorics: lecture 1 and lecture 2 (two lecures, The 7th Ph.D. Student Mathematical
Conference organized by the Department of Mathematics of the
Faculty of Science of the University of Ostrava, Ostrava, September 10, 2013)
- Z historie řešení diofantických rovnic: od Diofanta k Mihailescovi (From the history of solving Diophantine equations: from Diophantus to Mihailescu), seminář SEDMA, FIT ČVUT Praha, 3. března 2015.
Skolemova-Mahlerova-Lechova věta [Skolem-Mahler-Lech Theorem], Number Theory seminar, 10. listopadu 2015.
- Two problems on effective enumeration of integer partitions, HOMONOLO 2016, December 13, 2016.
- Enumeration of self-avoiding walks and meanders, two lectures for REU students, July 24, 2017.
- Co je to Diskrétní matematika (What is Discrete Mathematics), DOD, November 2022, 2023, 2024, ...
Last modified: November 2024