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Hello there!

I’m a postdoc at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem with Eran Nevo as my advisor. Before, I was a PhD student at Charles University with Martin Tancer as my advisor. I’m interested in using algebraic tools to solve problems in combinatorial geometry and topology. If you want to get in touch feel free to write me to dbulavka at


  1. D. Bulavka, R. Woodroofe. A short proof of the Hilton-Milner Theorem. 2024. Preprint at arXiv.
  2. D. Bulavka, F. Gandini, R. Woodroofe. A Hilton-Milner theorem for exterior algebras. 2024. Preprint at arXiv.
  3. D. Bulavka, O. Devillers, P. Duchon, M. Glisse, X. Goaoc. Two Lower Bounds for Random Point Sets via Negative Association. 2023. Preprint at hal.

Publications in peer-reviewed journals:

  1. D. Bulavka, E. Nevo, Y. Peled: Volume rigidity and algebraic shifting. Preprint at arXiv. Presentation. FPSAC23 Extended abstract. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 170, 189-202, (2025). Journal version.
  2. D. Bulavka, M. Tancer, M. Tyomkyn: Weak saturation of multipartite hypergraphs. Preprint at arXiv. Presentation. Combinatorica 43, 1081–1102 (2023) Journal version.
  3. Aptekmann, A. A., Bulavka, D., Nadra, A. D. and Sánchez, I. E. Transcription factor specificity limits the number of DNA-binding motifs. PLOS ONE 2022.
  4. D. Bulavka, A. A. Aptekmann, N. A. Méndez, T. Krick, I. E. Sánchez: Thousands of protein linear motif classes may still be undiscovered. PLOS ONE 2021.

Publications in peer-reviewed conference proceedings without journal version:

  1. D. Bulavka, É. Colin de Verdière, and N. Fuladi. Computing shortest closed curves on non-orientable surfaces. Preprint at arXiv. 40th International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG 2024).
  2. D. Bulavka and R. Woodroofe. Strict Erdős-Ko-Rado for simplicial complexes. In European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications 2023 (Eurocomb’23), Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications, pages 245–253, 2023. Extended abstract.
  3. D. Bulavka, A. Goodarzi, M. Tancer: Optimal bounds for the colorful fractional Helly theorem. Preprint at Arxiv. 37th International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG 2021).

Past teaching

Teaching Winter Semester 2023/2024

Probabilistic techniques - NTIN022 - With Tomáš Hons.
Linear Algebra - NMAI057
Mentoring bachelor students.
Polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic functions. Slides

Teaching Summer Semester 2022/2023

Mathematics++ - NMAI071 - With Petr Chmel.
Mentoring bachelor students.

Teaching Winter Semester 2022/2023

Probabilistic techniques - NTIN022.
Mentoring bachelor students.

Teaching Summer Semester 2021/2022

Mathematics++ - NMAI071 - With Petr Chmel.
Topological methods in combinatorics - NDMI014 - With Michael Skotnica.
Mentoring bachelor students.

Teaching Winter Semester 2021/2022

Probabilistic techniques - NTIN022 - With Matěj Konečný.
Linear Algebra - NMAI057
Mentoring bachelor students

Teaching Summer Semester 2020/2021

Mathematics++ - NMAI071
Mentoring bachelor students

Teaching Winter Semester 2020/2021

Probabilistic techniques - NTIN022 - With Matěj Konečný.
Mentoring bachelor students

Teaching Summer Semester 2019/2020
