This is the tutorial session for the lecture Mathematics++, NMAI071, taught by Ida Kantor, Robert Šámal and Martin Tancer. The main objective of the tutorials is to gain intuition through solving exercises. There will be four homework sets which you will need to solve to earn points and pass the tutorials. We will have two types of sessions: working sessions and sessions where I will present the solution to the homework. For the working session I will send you an exercise sheet at the beginning and I will give you time to think the solutions. In the end you, or myself, may present the solution. The objective of the working session is to give you more tools and help you develop intuition to approach the problems from the homework set. We will be using Zoom for the sessions. Connections credentials will be sent to registered students by mail.

  • Practicals are held, only sometimes, on Monday from 14:00 until 15:30. You will receive an email in advance.
  • There will be 4 homework sets, to solve each of them you will have approximately 4 weeks.
  • One week before the deadline, there will be hints.
  • When hints for a problem set are published, its points are reduced to half.
  • The maximum achievable number of points will be approximately 100.
  • You need 32 points to pass the tutorial.
  • Solutions will not be accepted after deadline.
  • The deadline is always before the beginning of the tutorial.

A word on submitting solutions:

  • You can submit your solutions and questions by email to dbulavka+mpp at
  • Make sure to submit your solutions in PDF format.


Date Plan
8.3.2021 No tutorial. [Homework set 1.]
15.3.2021 There is tutorial, connection credentials will be sent to registered students by email. [Classwork set 1.]
22.3.2021 No tutorial.
29.3.2021 No tutorial. [Hints for homework set 1.] [Homework set 2.]
05.04.2021 No tutorial. [Solutions for homework set 1.]
12.04.2021 There is tutorial, connection credentials will be sent to registered students by email.
19.04.2021 No tutorial. [Hints for homework set 2.] [Homework set 3.]
26.04.2021 There is tutorial, connection credentials will be sent to registered students by email. [Solutions Homework set 2.]
03.05.2021 There is tutorial, connection credentials will be sent to registered students by email. [Classwork set 3.]
10.05.2021 No tutorial. [Hints for homework set 3.]
17.05.2021 There is tutorial. [Homework set 4]
24.05.2021 No tutorial.
31.05.2021 There is tutorial. [Classwork set 4.]
07.06.2021 No tutorial. [Hints for homework set 4]

Homework results:

If you wish to be listed here, send me your permission and a nickname.

Nickname HW 1 HW 2 HW3 4.1 4.2 (a) 4.2 (b) 4.3 4.4 4.5 (a) 4.5 (b) 4.6 (a) 4.6 (b) HW 4 Total
Paul Erdős 26 25 25 4 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 26 102
Chs 24 15 0 2 2 4 43
The Cat-egorist 16.5 0 5 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 4 4 13 34.5
Fila 12 11 8 0 31
Karlov 4 0 0 0 4
MC 13 4 6 4 2 2 1 2 11 34