Noon lecture

list of noon lectures ( 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | newer lectures)

In year 2006, there were the following noon lectures:

21. 12. 2006
at 12:20
Jean-Sébastien Sereni: Circular choosability of graphs ( abstract )
14. 12. 2006
at 12:20
Tobias Muller: Identifying codes in (random) unit disk graphs ( abstract )
7. 12. 2006
at 12:20
Jan van den Heuvel: Circular Arboricity of Graphs ( abstract )
4. 12. 2006
at 12:20
Jan van den Heuvel: On the Diameter of the Transportation Polytope ( abstract )
30. 11. 2006
at 12:20
Zsolt Tuza: Generalizations of mixed hypergraphs ( abstract )
27. 11. 2006
at --
: ( abstract )
23. 11. 2006
at 12:20
Frederic Havet: Directed star arboricity ( abstract )
16. 11. 2006
at 12:20
Martin Pergel: On Recognition of PC-graphs ( abstract )
9. 11. 2006
at 12:20
: HOMONOLO ( abstract )
1. 11. 2006
at 9:00
: ( abstract )
1. 11. 2006
at 9:50
: ( abstract )
30. 10. 2006
at 12:20
Diana Piguet, Maya Stein: On an approximate version of the Loebl-Komlos-Sos conjecture ( abstract )
26. 10. 2006
at 12:20
Lutz G. Lucht: On finite pattern-free sets of integers ( abstract )
25. 10. 2006
at 10:40
Guillermo Pineda Villavicencio: On the Degree/Diameter Problem for both bipartite and non-bipartite graphs ( abstract )
25. 10. 2006
at 11:30
JianMin Tang: Connectivity and Superconnectivity of digraphs with prescribed semigirth ( abstract )
23. 10. 2006
at 12:00
Lutz G. Lucht: Recurrence sequences with arithmetic properties ( abstract )
19. 10. 2006
at 12:20
Dirk Schlatter: Constrained random graph processes ( abstract )
12. 10. 2006
at 12:20
Attila Por: Overlap Graphs ( abstract )
5. 9. 2006
at 12:20
Leonard J. Schulman: Clustering lines: classification of incomplete data ( abstract )
22. 6. 2006
at 12:20
Mark Siggers: The Complexity of Some Restricted H-Colouring Problems ( abstract )
1. 6. 2006
at 12:20
Gabor Hegedus: on Ramsey theory ( abstract )
25. 5. 2006
at 12:20
Gabor Hegedus: Grobner bases ( abstract )
23. 5. 2006
at 12:20
Peter Golovach: Distance constrained labellings for trees ( abstract )
18. 5. 2006
at 12:20
Dieter Kratsch: A Simple $O (2^{0.288 n})$ Independent Set Algorithm ( abstract )
12. 5. 2006
at 12:20
Martin Rubey: Symmetry properties of statistics of lattice paths in ladders ( abstract )
10. 5. 2006
at 12:20
Martin ©koviera: Edge-colourings of cubic graphs and partial Steiner triple ( abstract )
6. 4. 2006
at 12:20
Tetsuo Asano: Mathematical and Algorithmic Approaches to Digital Halftoning ( abstract )
10. 3. 2006
at 12:20
Jose Zamora: Complexity of linear mappings induced by graphs ( abstract )
9. 3. 2006
at 12:20
Anna de Mier: k-noncrossing and k-nonnesting graphs and fillings of Ferrers diagrams ( abstract )
2. 3. 2006
at 12:20
Jose Soto: Degree matrices ( abstract )
26. 1. 2006
at 12:20
Sotiris Nikoletseas: Design and analysis of algorithms for wireless sensor networks ( abstract )

list of noon lectures ( 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | newer lectures)

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