Noon lecture

list of noon lectures ( 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | newer lectures)

In year 2014, there were the following noon lectures:

15. 12. 2014
at 12:20
Krzysztof Choromanski: Excluding pairs of tournaments ( abstract )
1. 12. 2014
at 12:20
Eli Shamir: Old and new Transformations of Grammars: Structural, Algorithmic and Linguistic Applications ( abstract )
22. 10. 2014
at 10:40
Steve Chaplick: Overlap and Intersection Representations of Planar Graphs by Squares ( abstract )
25. 9. 2014
at 12:20
Orit Raz: On the number of unit-area triangles spanned by points in the plane ( abstract )
18. 9. 2014
at 12:20
Gerth Stølting Brodal: Computing Triplet and Quartet Distances Between Trees ( abstract )
16. 9. 2014
at 12:20
Orit Raz: On the number of unit-area triangles spanned by points in the plane ( abstract )
11. 9. 2014
at 11:00
Arnab Bhattacharyya: Higher-order Fourier analysis and applications ( abstract )
14. 8. 2014
at 10:40
Michael Saks: Two very efficient approximation algorithms for the longest increasing subsequence ( abstract )
17. 6. 2014
at 11:00
Sebastian Ordyniak: Backdoors into Heterogeneous Classes of SAT and CSP ( abstract )
16. 6. 2014
at 11:00
Matthias Mnich: Multivariate Algorithmics for Hard Optimization Problems ( abstract )
11. 6. 2014
at 12:20
Václav Chvátal: Points and lines in metric spaces ( abstract )
5. 6. 2014
at 12:20
Seth Pettie: Sharp Bounds on Davenport-Schinzel Sequences of Every Order ( abstract )
30. 5. 2014
at 10:00
Diana Piguet: An approximate version of the tree packing conjecture for bounded degree ( abstract )
29. 5. 2014
at 11:00
Andreas Feldmann: Network Algorithms for Real-World Graphs ( abstract )
27. 5. 2014
at 15:00
Morteza Monemizadeh: Estimating Streaming Maximum Matching in Planar Graphs and Beyond ( abstract )
22. 5. 2014
at 12:20
Elazar Goldenberg: Direct Sum Testing ( abstract )
7. 5. 2014
at 12:20
Moshe Rosenfeld: Hamiltonian cycles in prisms over graphs ( abstract )
17. 4. 2014
at 12:20
Ronald de Wolf: Fourier analysis and the minimal degree of polynomials for Boolean functions ( abstract )
13. 3. 2014
at 12:20
Ariel Gabizon: Representative sets for multisets ( abstract )
27. 2. 2014
at 12:20
Martin Loebl: A remark on the Alon Tarsi conjecture ( abstract )
13. 2. 2014
at 12:20
Edgardo Roldan Pensado: Hyperplane transversal to coloured sets ( abstract )
11. 2. 2014
at 12:20
Lucas Hosseini: Quantifier-free Convergence of Structures ( abstract )
6. 2. 2014
at 12:20
Iain Moffatt: Graphs are to matroids, as embedded graphs are to what? ( abstract )
23. 1. 2014
at 12:20
Rob van Stee: Dividing connected chores fairly ( abstract )
9. 1. 2014
at 12:20
Jan Volec: Compactness and finitely forcible graphons ( abstract )

list of noon lectures ( 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | newer lectures)

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