Noon lecture
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On 19.6.2018 at 12:20 in S1, there is the following noon lecture:
An Efficient and Secure Attribute-Based Signcryption Scheme for Smart Grid Applications
Seyyed Mahdi Sedaghat
Sharif University of Technology
(joint work with M. H. Ameri, M. Delavar, J. Mohajeri and M. R. Aref)
With regards to the development of modern power systems, Smart Grid (SG) as an intelligent generation of electricity networks has been faced with a tremendous attention. Fine-grained data sharing in SG plays a vital role in efficiently managing data flow in the SG. As these data commonly contain sensitive information, design of the secure and efficient privacy preserving schemes for such networks with plenty of resource constrained devices is one of the most controversial issues.
In this talk, I will present an efficient and secure Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based SignCryption (CP-ABSC) scheme which simultaneously provides the authenticity and privacy of the users by enforcing an arbitrary access control policy on encrypted data. Since the number of required pairings in the signcryption and designcryption algorithms are independent to the number of the involved attributes, the computational overhead is reduced in comparison with the existing schemes in the literature. In addition, I will technically discuss about the security proofs contain as unforgeability and indistinguishability of the proposed scheme which are reducible to the well-known hardness assumption of the q-Bilinear Diffie-Hellman Exponent (q-BDHE) problem. Moreover, I will show that embedding a Physical Unclonable Function (PUF) in each smart meter will significantly reduce the storage overhead of the protocol and secure it against non-volatile memory attackers.
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