41st European Workshop on Computational Geometry
Organized as an event of the Computational Geometry Society, https://computational-geometry.org/
April 9-11, 2025, Liblice, Czech Republic
EuroCG 2025 will be held on April 9-11, 2025 in Liblice, Czech Republic. EuroCG is an annual workshop that combines a strong scientific tradition with a friendly and informal atmosphere. The workshop is a forum where established researchers and students can meet, discuss their work, present their results, and establish scientific collaborations.
Submission deadline: January 21, 2025
Acceptance notification: February 21, 2025
Early registration ends: March 5, 2025
Camera-ready version: March 7, 2025
EuroCG 2025: April 9-11, 2025
All deadlines are 23:59 AoE.
Topics of interest cover all aspects of computational geometry, including but not limited to the following:
We invite authors to submit extended abstracts of their original research. Submissions must be formatted in LaTeX using a supplied class file, and not be longer than 175 lines of text. Submissions will be handled through EasyChair.
Authors must use the LaTeX class files euroCG25 and eurocg25-submission, which are based on the LIPIcs class file. These class files should automatically count all lines containing text, excluding title and references, and excluding figures. Authors are expected to make reasonable effort to make sure all lines that contain text are counted: the class file should be considered an aid, and the responsibility of correctly counting lines remains with the authors. A zip file containing an example of how to use the class file can be found here.
Your submission should provide a clear statement of your results including proofs. The main (175 line) body of your submission should be self-contained and contain a clear and succinct description of your results. Content that does not fit in the main body due to space restrictions must be placed into a clearly marked appendix, which will only be read at the discretion of the program committee.
EuroCG is a non-competitive forum. We will accept all submissions which are original, correct, well-presented, non-trivial, and in scope. The program committee judges submissions on these five criteria, each of which can lead to rejection. If a submission satisfies all criteria, then it will be accepted: there is no competition against other submissions. For this reason authors are not requested to hide their names and affiliations at the time of their submission (the review process will not be double blind).
EuroCG does not have formally reviewed proceedings. A booklet of abstracts, without ISBN, will be accessible online on the website for the benefit of the community and must be regarded as a collection of preprints rather than a formally reviewed selection of papers. Results presented at EuroCG are expected to appear in other conferences with formal proceedings and/or in journals.
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions to a special issue of the Computing in Geometry and Topology (CGT) journal.
There will also be a voting for the Best Student Presentation.
EuroCG is dedicated to providing an environment that is free from harassment, bullying, discrimination, and retaliation for all participants. According to the decision taken at EuroCG 2024, from 2025 onwards EuroCG will be organized as an event of the CG Society. Only members of the Society can attend EuroCG. Society membership is free. All members of the Society are bound by its Code of Conduct. A person whose membership has been suspended, for example by the Code of Conduct Committee, cannot attend EuroCG in person.
EuroCG is fundamentally an in-person event and all presentations are expected to be given in person. Hence at least one author of an accepted contribution must become a member of the society and attend EuroCG. If no author of an accepted contribution is attending EuroCG, then the contribution may be removed from the program, the booklet of abstracts, and the conference website.
Email: eurocg25@kam.mff.cuni.cz
Registration (Anna Kotěšovcová): conforg@conforg.cz
Local arrangements are provided by: