Informace o přednášce a cvičení z Matematických struktur (NMAI064, vyučují A. Pultr a M. Klazar), LS 2018/19

Mathematical structures (NMAI064, lecturers: A. Pultr and M. Klazar), Summer term 2018/19

Sylabus a anotace. Viz SIS.

Doba a místo. Přednáška a cvičení jsou v pondělí v 15:40-17:10 a pak v 17:20-18:50 v pracovně v m. č. 224 na Malé Straně. Time and place: Lecture and tutorial are on Monday in 15:40-17:10 and then in 17:20-18:50 in office 224.

Literatura/References. Skripta/lecture notes prof. A. Pultra jsou zde (in Czech, for English version ask prof. A. Pultr).

Konzultační hodiny. Po dohodě. Pracovna A. Pultra i M. Klazara je v malostranské budově ve 2. patře, místnost č. 224. Consultations. By appointment. The ofice of both A. Pultr and M. Klazar is room 224.

Zápočet. Za vyřešení alespoň 1/2 úloh zadávaných na přednášce/cvičení. ''Zápočet'' for tutorial. For solving at least 1/2 of the problems posed on the lectures and tutorials.

Zkouška. Zkouškové termíny budou uvedeny v SISu. Požadavky ke zkoušce z NMAI064/Requirements for exam. Exam. Terms will be in SIS.  Další otázky/Supplementary questions: 

1. přednáška a cvičení/1st lecture and tutorial, pondělí/Monday 25. 2. 2019. A. Pultr: kapitoly/chapters I.1-I.6 v/in skriptech .

2. přednáška a cvičení/2nd lecture and tutorial, pondělí/Monday 4. 3. 2019. A. Pultr: kapitoly/chapters I.6-I.7 v/in skriptech. M. Klazar: kapitoly/chapters II.1-I.II.2 v/in skriptech but I also mentioned Higman's ordering, Higman's theorem and Sperner's theorem. Problem 1. yes or no: a) (P, <) is an order => (P^*, <_H) (the Higman ordering on words over P) is an order too, b) (P, <) is an order => (P^N, <_H)  (the Higman ordering on infinite sequences over P) is an order too, of course justify your answers. Problem 2. Prove that for any preorder (P, <), a~b iff a <= b and b <= a is an equivalence relation, and that we get an order on P/~. Problem 3. We defined two orders (X, <_X) and (Y, <_Y) to be isomorphic, if there are two monotonous maps (called isomorphisms), one from X to Y and the other from Y to X, which compose in both ways to identical maps, on X and on Y. Prove that a map f from X to Y is an isomorphism if and only if f is onto and a <=_X b iff  f(a) <=_Y f(b). Problem 4. Prove that for linear orders the condition "(ii) if M is a subset of the downset of t then s is less or equal than t" (in the definition that s is a supremum of a subset M of an ordered set) is equivalent to the condition "(ii') if t < s then there is a u in M such that t < u" and explain why for general orders these two conditions are not equivalent. The problems are due by March 18, preferably by e-mail.

3. přednáška a cvičení/3rd lecture and tutorial, pondělí/Monday 11. 3. 2019. A. Pultr: kapitoly/chapters I.7 a II.3, II.6 a částečně/partially II.7 v/in skriptech. M. Klazar: kapitola/chapter II.7 (theorems on fixed points for monotonous selfmaps of ordered sets) v/in skriptech. Additionaly (to the fixed point proof) I gave a combinatorial proof of the Cantor--Bernstein theorem, based on types of components of the arrow graph of the given injections X -> Y and Y -> X. Problem 1. Why is the map in Thm. 7.1 (Bourbaki's thm on fixed point) monotonous?  Problem 2. Why is the map F in the fixed point proof of the Cantor--Bernstein theorem  (7.4.1, p. 43) monotonous? Problem 3. Why we can assume that the sets X and Y in the Cantor--Bernstein theorem are disjoint? Problem 4. (See p. 44) Show in detail that the strategy S_I is a persistent strategy for the 1st player. Problems are due by March 25, preferably by e-mail (sorry for posting them here after almost 1 week, next time I will try to be faster).

4. přednáška a cvičení/4th lecture and tutorial, pondělí/Monday 18. 3. 2019. A. Pultr: ... . M. Klazar: still chapter II.7, an application of Bourbaki's theorem to Kleene's 1st recursion theorem. Chapter III.2: we are heading to the proof of Theorem III.2.6 characterizing distributive lattices by two forbidden configurations C_5 and D_3, and are in the middle of the proof of Lemma 2.5 on the symmetric identity. Problem 1. Find on the Internet information on Kleene's 1st recursion theorem. Problem 2. Show that if L has C_5 as a sublattice then it is not modular.  Problem 3. Show that (when a lattice L is not modular) if u join (v meet w) < (u join v) meet w (for some three elements u, v and w in L) then with a=v, x=u join (v meet w) and b=v meet w we have a meet x = b. The three problems are due by April 2, preferably by e-mail.

5. přednáška a cvičení/5th lecture and tutorial, pondělí/Monday 25. 3. 2019. A. Pultr: Pseudocomplements. M. Klazar: Completing the proof of Theorem III.2.6 characterizing distributive lattices by two forbidden configurations C_5 and D_3. I followed in this proof this and this text of mine (lecture notes for the lecture 2 years ago). Basic notions of universal algebra: kapitola/chapter IV.1 (especially Propositions 1.3.1 and 1.3.2) ve skriptech. Problem 1. Show that if a lattice L contains D_3 then it is not distributive. Problem 2. Explain in detail the argument by symmetry in the proof of  Theorem III.2.6 (top of p. 52 ve skriptech). The two problems are due by April 16 (since I am posting them here too late), preferably by e-mail.

6. přednáška a cvičení/6th lecture and tutorial, pondělí/Monday 1. 4. 2019. A. Pultr: Complements, Heyting algebras and their relation to logics, Boolean algebras, ultrafilters. M. Klazar: kapitola/chapter IV.2 (especially Proposition 2.5 on p. 72) ve skriptech. The graph reconstruction problem (Harary, 1964) and Müller's theorem (1977) on it, after this and this text of mine. Problem 1. Prove the edge reconstruction conjecture for graphs with four edges (i.e., if G and H have four edges and after deleting one edge produce the same - up to isomorphism and reordering - collection of graphs, then they are isomorphic).  Problem 2. Prove the PIE (inclusion-exclusion formula) by double-counting. The two problems are due by April 16, preferably by e-mail.

7. přednáška a cvičení/7th lecture and tutorial, pondělí/Monday 8. 4. 2019. Only M. Klazar: completing the proof of Muller's theorem on graph reconstruction (here and here). Then Chapter IV. 9 in  skripta. Problem 1. The formula inj_D(G, bar{H}) = sum_{A subset of E \ D} ... - what are the sets X_1, ..., X_n in this application of PIE? (bottom of p. 1 here). Problem 2.  Why does the second displayed equation at p. 2 in here hold? Problem 3. Exercise at the top of p. 3 in hereProblem 4. Prove that the (commutative) monoid (N, *, 1) (the natural numbers  with standard multiplication) is isomorphic to the free (commutative) monoid (F(P), +, emptyset) of finite multisets of prime numbers. (I complete this tomorrow, Apr. 10. Well, sorry, I completed it on Apr 15. The four problems are therefore due by April 29).

8. přednáška a cvičení/8th lecture and tutorial, pondělí/Monday 15. 4. 2019. A. Pultr: ... . M. Klazar: An ideal I (in a commutative unitary ring R) is maximal (resp. prime) iff R / I is a field (resp. an integral domain), proof. Theorem: for every prime p and integer k>0 there is a finite field F with p^k elements, proof by constructing F as the quotient field Z_p[x] / (r(x)) where r(x) is an irreducible polynomial with degree k. We get r(x) from the Theorem: the number of such monic irreducible polynomials in Z_p[x] with degree k is (1 / k)sum_{d | k}m(d)*p^{k / d} where m(.) is the Moebius function, conclusion of the proof next time. Problem 1. Prove directly (without using the quotient ring) that every maximal ideal is prime. Problem 2. Prove that every finite integral domain is a field. Problem 3. Prove that every finite field has p^k elements, for some prime number p and positive integer k.  The three problems are due by April 29.

9. přednáška a cvičení/9th lecture and tutorial, pondělí/Monday 29. 4. 2019. A. Pultr: ... . M. Klazar: Proof of the formula for the number of monic irreducible polynomials in Z_p[x] with given degree. Proof of the Moebius inversion formula and some remarks on the logaritmic differentiation. Topology. Up to Chapter V.1.5.5 in the lecture notes, proof of the Fact 1.1.1 next time. Problem 1. Prove the formal logaritmic differentiation identity: If F_1(x),  F_2(x), ... are formal power series in C[[x]] such that their orders ord(F_n) (indices of the first nonzero term) go to infinity with n, then the infinite product F(x) = (1 + F_1(x)).(1 + F_2(x))... formally converges and F' / F = F_1' / (1 + F_1)  + F_2' / (1 + F_2)  + ... (in the lecture I forgot these 1 + in the denominators).  Problem 2. Prove the four properties of closure in a topological space given in Chapter V.1.5.2 (page 98) in the lecture notes The two problems are due by May 13.

10. přednáška a cvičení/10th lecture and tutorial, pondělí/Monday 6. 5. 2019. A. Pultr: ... . M. Klazar: Proof of of the Fact 1.1.1. Then continuing in topology up to before the 5 equvalent definitions of continuity of a mappig. Problem 1. Let (X, =<) be a preorder, a subset U of X is increasing if a in U, b in X, a=<b implies that b is in U. Similarly for decreasing subsets.  Prove that increasing subsets satisfy the axioms of open sets and that decreasing subsets satisfy the axioms of closed sets. Problem 2. Prove that Zariski topology is a topology: for a field F the set system of subsets A of F^n such that A is the common zeros of a set of polynomials in F[x_1, ..., x_n] (i.e., there is a subset P of F[x_1, ..., x_n] such that a is in A iff p(a) = 0 for every p(x) in P) satisfies the axioms of closed sets.  Problem 3. Prove that a subset S of exp(X) is a base for a topology on X iff (i) the union (sum) of  S is X and (ii) for every A and B in S their intersection equals to the union of some elements of S. The three problems are due by May 26.

11. přednáška a cvičení/11th lecture and tutorial, pondělí/Monday 13. 5. 2019. A. Pultr: both lectures .

12. přednáška a cvičení/9th lecture and tutorial, pondělí/Monday 6. 5. 2019. M. Klazar: both lectures. Solution of Problem 1 from Monday 29. 4. 2019. Properties of compact spaces (Chapter V.6 in  skripta) and properties of connected spaces (Chapter V.7 in  skripta).

květen/May 2019