Discrete Mathematics WS 2015/2016

This is a basic course for undergraduate students. Exercises are led by Dr. Morteza Monemizadeh.


The lectures are scheduled on Tuesdays 12:20-13:50PM, room S11. The final grade for the course will be based on an exam at the end of the semester. You must obtain a "pass" in the tutorial to be able to take the exam for this course.


Follow this link to see what was covered during the past year in this course. The exact material covered during the lectures will be updated on this page. The following is a list of Books and other material relevant to the lectures.

Invitation to Discrete Mathematics by Jiří Matoušek and Jaroslav Nešetřil
Notes on Probability by Jiří Matoušek

Material Covered in the Lectures

October 06: Sample problems (drawing without lifting pencil, 3 houses + 3 wells, etc). Types of proofs: proof by contradiction, mathematical induction; Fibonacci numbers (\(F_0=1, F_1=1, F_{n+1}=F_n+F_{n-1}\)); the golden ration \(\phi=(1+\sqrt{5})/2\); proof of the inequalities \( \phi^{n-1}\leqslant F_n \leqslant \phi^n\) by induction.

October 13: Basic notations (\(\mathbb{N},\mathbb{Z},\mathbb{Q},\mathbb{R}\) for sets of numbers; writing a set; union, intersection, difference, complement of sets). Ordered pair \((x,y)\), ordered \(n\)-tuple, Cartesian product and \(n\)-fold product. Relations; Composing relations; Functions; Injective, surjective, bijective functions; bijection \(X\to Y\) implies \(|X|=|Y|\); permutations; number of functions from \([n]\to[m]\); number of subsets of a set; number of injective functions; number of permutations.

October 20: Recap: number of functions from \([n]\to[m]\), number of subsets of a set, number of injective functions, number of permutations. Number of disjoint subsets; Binomial coefficient \(n\choose k\); notation \(X\choose k\); Double counting; example: \(\displaystyle\left|{X\choose k}\right|={|X|\choose k}\); \(\sum_{k=0}^n{n\choose k}=2^n\); Pascal's identity: \({n-1\choose k}+{n-1\choose k-1}={n\choose k}\); Counting the number of nonnegative integer solutions of \(x_1+x_2+\ldots+x_r=n\); Relations: reflexive, symmetric, antisymmetric, transitive.

October 27: Equivalence relations: equivalence classes; Order; Partial vs. Total Order; Poset; notation \(\preceq\); example of a poset: power set with "subset of" relation; Minimal, maximal, minimum, maximum elements; Hasse Diagram; Every finite poset has at least one minimal element; Drawing Hasse Diagram by recursively removing minimal elements; chains, antichains; Notation: \(\alpha(P),\omega(P)\); Theorem: \(\alpha(P)\omega(P)\geqslant |P|\); Application: Erdös-Szekeres theorem.

November 03: Inclusion-Exclusion principle (including a proof by counting); fixed point of a permutation; number \(D(n)\) of permutations without a fixed point; The hatcheck lady; Introduction to Probability: definition of probability space (only finite set of outcomes); Probabilities as arbitrary functions \(f:2^\Omega\to [0,1]\) that satisfy some axioms.

November 10: Definitions: Probability space, uniform probability; Example: Probability of getting exactly \(k\) heads in the throw of \(n\) coins; Finite version of Boole's inequality: \(P\left[\bigcup_{i=1}^n B_i\right]=\sum_{i=1}^n P[B_i]\), equality when \(B_i\)'s are disjoint; Example: Probability that a random graph is bipartite; Conditional probability; Baye's theorem; Independent events; Product of probability spaces; Independence of events of the form \(A_1\times\Omega_1\) and \(\Omega_2\times A_2\) in product spaces; Tossing a fair coin \(n\) times vs. "fair throw" of \(n\) coins; Proof \((x+y)^n=\sum_{k=0}^n{n\choose k}x^ky^{n-k}\) for \(x,y\geqslant 0, x+y>0\) via \(n\) tosses of a biased coin.

November 24: Definitions: Random variable, expectation; Indicator function; Linearity of expectation, independent random variables; Examples: expected number of heads in a sequence of \(n\) tosses of a fair coin, expected number of left maxima in a random permutation; Every graph has a bipartitite subgraph with at least half the number of edges (proof using expectation); Asymptotic notation.

December 01: Graphs and definition of Graph isomorphism; Comments on computational aspect (the dificulty in verifying non-isomorphism); Estimating the number of nonisomorphic graphs; Graph score; Handshake lemma; Score theorem (without proof); Definition of Incidence matrix.

December 08: (MM) Sections 4.2-4.4 of Invitation to DM; some discussions about weighted graphs and adjacency matrix.

December 15: Definition of a tree; end-vertex lemma; tree-growing lemma; various equivalent charecterizations of trees: path uniqueness, minimimal connectedness, maximal graph without cycles, Euler's formula \(|V|=|E|+1\); Isomorphism testing on trees in polynomial time; Spanning Trees; every connected graph contains a spanning tree.

January 05: Definitions: simple arc, drawing of a graph, planar drawing, plane graph, planar graph, Jordan curve (simple closed curve); Jordan curve theorem (without proof); Application: Non-panarity of \(K_5\); Euler's formula; Applications: Upper bounds on the number of edges of planar graphs and triangle-free planar graphs; Consequence: Non-planarity of \(K_5, K_{3,3}\).

January 12: Platonic solids and planar graphs; Proof that only five kinds of platonic solids exist; Coloring maps: the four-color theorem (without proof); Definition: Dual graph; Chromatic number problem; Six-color theorem for planar graphs; five-color theorem for planar graphs.

End of Lectures.