This time, the Úmluva will happen virtually. On 2024-09-09, a list of courses will appear here, together with a voting form, where you can express your interest and time preferences. On 2024-09-27 08:00, we will tally the votes and schedule the classes. The time-space coordinates of classes will appear in the SIS.
SIS code | Name | Lecturer / instructor | Scheduled | Note |
NDMI073 |
Combinatorics and Graph Theory III
Kombinatorika a grafy III |
Zdeněk Dvořák / Michal Seweryn | ||
An advanced course in graph theory and combinatorics. Includes topics from:
NOPT060 |
Cooperative game theory seminar
Seminář z kooperativní teorie her |
Martin Černý | Mo 9:00 or Mo 10:40 | |
Cílem semináře je dát dohromady studenty a vyučující, které zajímá, nebo by mohla zajímat teorii kooperativní her. Slouží především jako platforma pro vznik nových témat a formulaci zajímavých problémů, které následně diskutujeme a řešíme. Seminář je směřovaný tím, co jeho účastníky baví a zajímá. Chceme vybudovat kolektiv a propojit mezi sebou lidi, kteří mohou spolupracovat i nad rámec samotného semináře. Studenti si mohou také prostřednictvím semináře vyzkoušet, co obnáší výzkum v matematice, otestovat své schopnosti a na základě této zkušenosti na seminář i navázat prostřednictvím bakalářské/magisterské práce. |
NTIN104 |
Foundations of Theoretical Cryptography
Foundations of Theoretical Cryptography |
Pavel Hubáček / Pavel Hubáček | ||
NMAI065 |
Fundamentals of Category Theory for Computer Scientists
Základy teorie kategorií pro informatiky |
Aleš Pultr | ||
NOPT018 |
Fundamentals of Nonlinear Optimization
Základy nelineární optimalizace |
Michal Hladík, Martin Loebl | ||
NDMI010 |
Graph algorithms
Grafové algoritmy |
Martin Mareš | ||
The lecture covers advanced algorithms for shortest paths, network flows, minimum spanning trees, and some other graph problems. Several graph data structures will be mentioned, too. Knowledge of Bachelor-level Algorithms and Data Structures 1+2 is assumed. |
NMAI074 |
Infinite sets
Nekonečné množiny |
Jan Kynčl | ||
NDMI092 |
Introduction to extremal graph theory
Úvod do extremální teorie grafů |
Zdeněk Dvořák, Mykhaylo Tyomkyn | ||
The basic course in extremal graph theory, introducing the fundamental concepts (extremal function, stability), constructions (Turán's graph, algebraic constructions), and techniques used to show that sufficiently dense graphs must contain the specified configurations. We focus on giving an overview of the foundational results on the edge-density extremal function when various natural types of graphs (cliques, cycles, graphs of bounded degeneracy, ...) are forbidden, using this as an opportunity to introduce several more advanced methods that are generally useful (dependent random choice, regularity lemma, the method of flag algebras, ...) not just in the extremal combinatorics. |
NTIN103 |
Introduction to Parameterized Algorithms
Úvod do parametrizované složitosti |
Jiří Fiala, Martin Koutecký / Tung Anh Vu | ||
Parameterized algorithmics analyzes the runtime in finer detail than classical complexity theory: instead of expressing the runtime as a function of the input size only, the dependence on a parameter of the input is taken into account. The aim is to isolate any fast growth of the runtime to a parameter, while the remaining growth of the time is kept low. Apart from giving a deeper theoretical understanding of the complexity of a problem, this can also lead to efficient (practical) algorithms if the parameter describes a property of the inputs, for which the parameter is typically small. See also video trailer. |
NDMI028 |
Linear Algebra Applications in Combinatorics
Aplikace lineární algebry v kombinatorice |
Jan Kratochvíl / Jan Kratochvíl | ||
We will show several (sometimes rather unexpected) applications of linear algebraical methods in combinatorics and graph theory. As a sample for tasting: Can you describe all graphs with the property that any two different vertices have exactly one common neighbor? |
NOPT021 |
Modern algorithmic game theory
Algoritmy moderní teorie her |
Martin Schmid | ||
Games have long served as benchmarks and marked milestones of progress in artificial intelligence (AI). This course teaches you fundamental formalisms, solution concepts and algorithms. We show how to solve both perfect and imperfect information games, and you will understand the deep connections and application of reinforcement learning to game theory. At the end of the course, you will implement algorithms to optimally solve (i.e. converge to Nash Equilibria) in small interesting games - notably small poker variants. |
NSWI181 |
Optimalizace kódu produkčních překladačů 2
Code optimization in production copmilers 2 |
Jan Hubicka | ||
We will discuss advanced topics of code generation. While the lecture freely continues from previous semester, it can be made independent of it. |
NOPT053 |
Optimization Seminar
Optimalizační seminář |
David Hartman, Milan Hladík | ||
NDMI055 |
Selected Chapters on Combinatorics 1
Vybrané kapitoly z kombinatoriky 1 |
J. Hubička, J Nešetřil | ||
This semester, selected chapters from combinatorics will focus on Steiner systems and block schemes. |
NTIN085 |
Selected topics in computational complexity I
Vybrané kapitoly z výpočetní složitosti I |
Michal Koucký | ||
The content of this course are advanced topics in computational complexity. This semester will be devoted to fine-grained complexity. Fine-grained complexity is a field that has emerged and developed remarkably over the last fifteen years. It tries to answer the question why the best known algorithms, for example, for finding the longest common subsequence, have quadratic time complexity, while for other problems all known algorithms have cubic complexity. This is related to exponential time algorithms for satisfiability (SAT). |
NTIN110 |
Selected Topics in Data Structures
Vybrané kapitoly z datových struktur |
Martin Mareš | ||
A series of lectures on advanced data structures, which extends Master-level Data structures 1 and 2. You can take this course repeatedly, we tackle different topics each year. |
no voting |
Seminar for preparing students for contests in programming
Praktikum řešení programátorských úloh |
Z. Dvořák | Fr 12:20 SW1 | Příprava na soutěže v programování. Koná se jednou za 14 dní, začínáme 11.10. |
Training for programming competitions, especially International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC). Practice contests and tutorials on important techniques and problem types. Held once every two weeks for 3 hours. |
NDMI052 |
Seminar on Combinatorial Problems
Problémový seminář z kombinatoriky |
Pavel Valtr, Jan Kynčl | ||
The students will collaborate on solving open combinatorial problems, which are easily formulated and do not require deep background knowledge. We attempt to choose problems of medium difficulty. |
NUOS005 |
Seminar on TeX
Seminář o TeXu |
Martin Mareš, Vladan Majerech | ||
no voting |
Seminar on theory of computing
Seminář z teoretické informatiky |
Čepek, Hubáček, Kolman, Koucký, Sgall, Veselý | Already scheduled, see SIS | |
Also known as the pizza seminar. Come enjoy a slice of pizza and a talk on current topics in theoretical computer science. |
NDMI116 |
Seminář aplikace komplexních sítí
Seminář aplikace komplexních sítí |
David Hartman | ||
The Complex Networks Applications seminar covers selected modern topics in complex networks. The principle of the seminar is to introduce several topics and let the students work on them. We first give a short introduction to the topic and present several topics from which students can choose. The topics include both theoretical and programming problems. |