Publications 2018
- M. Loebl, J.S. Sereni, Isomorphism of weighted trees and Stanley's conjecture for caterpillars, Annales de l'Institute Henri Poincare D- European Mathematical Society (2018).
- J. Matousek, E. Sedgwick, M. Tancer, U. Wagner: Embeddability in the 3-sphere is decidable. Journal of the ACM 65(1) (2018), art. no. 5.
- I. Barany, R. Meshulam, E. Nevo, M. Tancer: Pach's selection theorem does not admit a topological extension. Discrete and Computational Geometry 60(2) (2018), 420-429.
- A. Skopenkov, M. Tancer: Hardness of almost embedding simplicial complexes in R^d. Preprint at Arxiv. 2018
- A. de Mesmay, Y. Rieck, E. Sedgwick, M. Tancer: Embeddability in R^3 is NP-hard. Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2018), 1316-1329, 2018.
- X. Goaoc, P. Patak, Z. Patatakova, M. Tancer, U. Wagner: Shellability is NP-complete. Proceedings of 34th International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG 2018), 41:1-41:15, 2018.
- Elif Garajova, Milan Hladik: Checking weak optimality and strong boundedness in interval linear programming. Soft Computing, 2018.
- Elif Garajova, Milan Hladik, Miroslav Rada: Interval linear programming under transformations: optimal solutions and optimal value range. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 2018.
- Elif Garajova, Milan Hladik: On the optimal solution set in interval linear programming. Computational Optimization and Applications, 2018..
- Miroslav Rada, Milan Hladik, Elif Garajova: Testing weak optimality of a given solution in interval linear programming revisited: NP-hardness proof, algorithm and some polynomially-solvable cases. Optimization Letters, 2018.
- Jiri Fiala, Pavel Klavik, Jan Kratochvil, Roman Nedela: 3-connected reduction for regular graph covers. Eur. J. Comb. 73: 170-210 (2018)
- Jiri Fiala, Tomas Gavenciak, Dusan Knop, Martin Koutecky, Jan Kratochvil: Parameterized complexity of distance labeling and uniform channel assignment problems. Discrete Applied Mathematics 248: 46-55 (2018)
- Marzieh Dehghani-Madiseh and Milan Hladik. Efficient approaches for enclosing the united solution set of the interval generalized Sylvester matrix equations. Appl. Numer. Math., 126:18-33, 2018.
- Milan Hladik. Positive semidefiniteness and positive definiteness of a linear parametric interval matrix. In Martine Ceberio and Vladik Kreinovich, editors, Constraint Programming and Decision Making: Theory and Applications, Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, pp. 77-88, Springer, Cham, 2018.
- Milan Hladik. Bounds for the solutions of absolute value equations. Comput. Optim. Appl., 69(1):243-266, 2018.
- Milan Hladik. Testing pseudoconvexity via interval computation. J. Glob. Optim., 71(3):443-455, 2018.
- Milan Hladik and Michal Cerny. The shape of the optimal value of a fuzzy linear programming problem. In P. Melin et al., editor, Fuzzy Logic in Intelligent System Design, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, pp. 281-286, Springer, Cham, 2018.
- Jaroslav Horacek, Jan Horacek, and Milan Hladik. Detecting unsolvability of interval linear systems. In N. Damouche M. Martel and J. A. Dit Sandretto, editors, TNC'18. Trusted Numerical Computations, Kalpa Publications in Computing, pp. 54-69, EasyChair, 2018.
- Jaroslav Horacek, Vaclav Koucky, and Milan Hladik. Novel approach to computerized breath detection in lung function diagnostics. Comput. Biol. Med., 101:1-6, 2018.
- Jaroslav Horacek, Milan Hladik and Josef Matejka, Determinants of Interval Matrices, The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 2018.
- Ondrej Kral and Milan Hladik. Parallel computing of linear systems with linearly dependent intervals in MATLAB. In R. Wyrzykowski et al., editor, Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, LNCS, pp. 391-401, Springer, Cham, 2018.
- Sergey I. Kumkov, Milan Hladik, Ludmila A. Yolshina, and Varvara A. Yolshina. New information technology on the basis of interval analysis: Estimation of aluminum corrosion parameters in real electrochemical process. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Radio Electronics & Information Technologies, Yekaterinburg, Russia, March 14, 2018, pp. 76-85, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2018.
- Iwona Skalna and Milan Hladik. Enhancing monotonicity checking in parametric interval linear systems. In N. Damouche M. Martel and J. A. Dit Sandretto, editors, TNC'18. Trusted Numerical Computations, Kalpa Publications in Computing, pp. 70-83, EasyChair, 2018.
- R.N. Ball and A. Pultr, Maximal essential extensions in the context of frames, Algebra Univers. 79, 2 (2018), Article 32
- M.M. Clementino, J. Picado, and A. Pultr, The Other Closure and Complete Sublocales, Appl.Categor.Struct. 26(2018, 892-906, corr 907-908
- J. Picado and A. Pultr, A Boolean extension of a frame and a representation of discontinuity, Quaestiones Math. 40,8 (2017), 1111-1125
- J. Picado, A. Pultr and A. Tozzi, Joins of closed sublocales, Houston J. Math.
- R.N. Ball, J. Picado and A. Pultr, Some aspects of (non)functoriality of natural discrete covers of locales, Quaest.Math.
- J. Picado and A. Pultr, Entourages, density, Cauchy mappings and completion, App.Cat.Structures, 26 (2018), 1305-1324
- D. Baboolal, J. Picado and A. Pultr, Another proof of Banaschewski's surjection theorem, Categories and General Algebraic Structures with Applications
- T. Jakl, A. Jung and A. Pultr, Quotients of d-frames, Appl.Cat.Str
- R. Cimler, M. Gavalec, K. Zimmermann, An optimization problem on the image set of a (max,min) fuzzy operator, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 341, June 2018, pp. 113-122.
- Petr Kolman, On Algorithms Employing Treewidth for L-bounded Cut Problems Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, Volume 22, Number 2, pp. 177-191, 2018.
- T. Klimosova, J. Malik, T. Masarik, J. Novotna, D. Paulusma, V. Slivova: Colouring (P_r+P_s)-Free Graphs, 2018.
- R. Glebov, T. Klimosova, D. Kral: Infinite dimensional finitely forcible graphon, Proceedings of the LMS, 2018.
- M. Balko, J. Cibulka and P. Valtr. Drawing graphs using a small number of obstacles, Discrete and Computational Geometry 59(1), pages 143-164, 2018.
- O. Aichholzer, M. Balko, T. Hackl, A. Pilz, P. Ramos, B. Vogtenhuber, and P. Valtr. Holes in 2-convex point sets, Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications 74, pages 38-49, 2018.
- O. Aichholzer, M. Balko, T. Hackl, A. Pilz, P. Ramos, B. Vogtenhuber, and P. Valtr. Holes in 2-convex point sets, Proceedings of the 28th International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (IWOCA 2017), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10765. Springer, Cham, pages 169-181, 2018.
- M. Balko, J. Cibulka and P. Valtr. Covering lattice points by subspaces and counting point-hyperplane incidences, Discrete and Computational Geometry, 2018.
- M. Balko, V. Jelinek and P. Valtr. On ordered Ramsey numbers of bounded-degree graphs, to appear in Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B., 2018.
- Rajesh Chitnis, Andreas Emil Feldmann: A Tight Lower Bound for Steiner Orientation. CSR 2018: 65-77
- Rajesh Chitnis, Andreas Emil Feldmann, Pasin Manurangsi: Parameterized Approximation Algorithms for Bidirected Steiner Network Problems. ESA 2018: 20:1-20:16
- Pavel Dvorak, Andreas Emil Feldmann, Dusan Knop, Tomas Masarik, Tomas Toufar, Pavel Vesely: Parameterized Approximation Schemes for Steiner Trees with Small Number of Steiner Vertices. STACS 2018: 26:1-26:15
- Andreas Emil Feldmann, Daniel Marx: The Parameterized Hardness of the k-Center Problem in Transportation Networks. SWAT 2018: 19:1-19:13
- Tomas Gavenciak, Przemyslaw Gordinowicz, Vit Jelinek, Pavel Klavik, Jan Kratochvil: Cops and Robbers on Intersection Graphs, Eur. J. Comb. 72: 45-69 (2018).
- Valentin E. Brimkov, Konstanty Junosza-Szaniawski, Sean Kafer, Jan Kratochvil, Martin Pergel, Pawel Rzazewski, Matthew Szczepankiewicz, Joshua Terhaar: Homothetic polygons and beyond: Maximal cliques in intersection graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 247: 263-277 (2018)
- Alexandre Talon, Jan Kratochvil: Completion of the mixed unit interval graphs hierarchy. Journal of Graph Theory 87(3): 317-332 (2018)
- Michael Kaufmann, Jan Kratochvil, Fabian Lipp, Fabrizio Montecchiani, Chrysanthi N. Raftopoulou, Pavel Valtr: Bounded Stub Resolution for Some Maximal 1-Planar Graphs. Proceedings CALDAM 2018, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10743, Springer 2018, pp. 214-220
- J Hubicka, J Nesetril: Bowtie-free graphs have a Ramsey lift, Advances in Applied Mathematics 96, 286-311
- J Hubicka, J Nesetril: Ramsey classes with closure operations (selected combinatorial applications). Chapter in Connections in Discrete Mathematics: A Celebration of the Work of Ron Graham, Cambridge University Press
- Michael Dymond, Vojtech Kaluza and Eva Kopecka, Mapping n Grid Points Onto a Square Forces an Arbitrarily Large Lipschitz Constant, Geom. Funct. Anal. (2018) 28:589.
- Pavel Klavik, Yota Otachi and Jiri Sejnoha, On the classes of Interval Graphs of Limited Nesting and Count of Lengths. J. Algorithmica (2018).
- Jakub Gajarsky, Petr Hlineny, Hans Raj Tiwary: Parameterized extension complexity of independent set and related problems. Discrete Applied Mathematics 248: 56-67 (2018)
- David Avis, Hans Raj Tiwary, Compact linear programs for 2SAT, European Journal of Combinatorics, 2018.
- Hans Raj Tiwary, Stefan Weltge, Rico Zenklusen: Extension complexities of Cartesian products involving a pyramid. Inf. Process. Lett. 128: 11-13 (2017)
- Minki Kim, Bernard Lidicky, Tomas Masarik, Florian Pfender: Notes on complexity of packing coloring. Inf. Process. Lett. 137: 6-10(2018)
- Zdenek Dvorak, Tomas Masarik, Jan Musilek, Ondrej Pangrac: Triangle-free planar graphs with the smallest independence number. Journal of Graph Theory 2018
- Matej Konecny, Stanislav Kucera, Jana Novotna, Jakub Pekarek, Martin Smolik, Jakub Tetek, Martin Topfer: On the Simultaneous Minimum Spanning Trees Problem. CALDAM 2018: 235-248
- Matej Konecny, Stanislav Kucera, Jana Novotna, Jakub Pekarek, Stepan Simsa, Martin Topfer: Minimal Sum Labeling of Graphs. IWOCA 2017: 252-263 (2018)
- Matej Konecny, Stanislav Kucera, Jana Novotna, Jakub Pekarek, Stepan Simsa, Martin Topfer: Minimal Sum Labeling of Graphs. SI: JDA (to be published in 2018)
- D. Kondratyuk, T. Gavenciak, M. Straka, J. Hajic: LemmaTag: Jointly Tagging and Lemmatizing for Morphologically Rich Languages with BRNNs. EMNLP 2018
- R. Fulek and J. Kyncl, Hanani-Tutte for approximating maps of graphs, Proceedings of the 34th International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG 2018), Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) 99, 39:1-39:15, Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, 2018.
- R. Fulek and J. Kyncl, The Z2-genus of Kuratowski minors, Proceedings of the 34th International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG 2018), Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) 99, 40:1-40:14, Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, 2018.
- Markus Chimani, Stefan Felsner, Stephen G. Kobourov, Torsten Ueckerdt, Pavel Valtr, Alexander Wolff: On the Maximum Crossing Number. J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 22(1): 67-87 (2018).
- Vit Jelinek, Michal Opler, Pavel Valtr: Generalized Coloring of Permutations. ESA 2018: pages 50:1-50:14 (2018).
- Pavel Dvorak, Dusan Knop: Parameterized Complexity of Length-bounded Cuts and Multicuts. Algorithmica 80(12): 3597-3617 (2018)
- Dusan Knop, Tomas Masarik: Computational complexity of distance edge labeling. Discrete Applied Mathematics 246: 80-98 (2018)
- Dusan Knop, Martin Koutecky: Scheduling meets n-fold integer programming. J. Scheduling 21(5): 493-503 (2018)
- Dusan Knop, Martin Koutecky, Matthias Mnich: A Unifying Framework for Manipulation Problems. AAMAS 2018: 256-264
- Eduard Eiben, Robert Ganian, Dusan Knop, Sebastian Ordyniak: Unary Integer Linear Programming with Structural Restrictions. IJCAI 2018: 1284-1290
- Katerina Altmanova, Dusan Knop, Martin Koutecky: Evaluating and Tuning n-fold Integer Programming. SEA 2018: 10:1-10:14
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