Vyuka / Teaching - Pavel Valtr (Summer Semester 24/25)
NDMI013 - Geometric Seminar/Geometricky seminar (with M. Balko and M. Saumell)
- Tuesday 10:40 S6
NMIN331 - Zaklady kombinatoriky a teorie grafu
NDMI052 - Seminar on Combinatorial Problems/Problemovy seminar z kombinatoriky (with V. Jelinek)
NDMI041 - Seminar on Combinatorics for Advanced Students (with M. Balko) - Thursday 9:50-12:10, S6
Some other lectures and seminars at our department:
Bc/Master Supervision / Vedeni diplomek a bakalarskych praci:
[English below] Pokud hledate tema bakalarske prace nebo diplomky
napr. z oblasti kombinatoriky nebo kombinatoricke a vypocetni geometrie,
muzete mi napsat email ohledne konzultace moznych temat. V pripade publikovateleneho vyzkumu (vyreseni otevreneho problemu apod.) moznost zapojeni do grantu.
English: If you look for a topic for a bachelor/master thesis in the area of combinatorial and computational geometry or in combinatorics,
don't hesitate to write me an email and we may discuss possible topics suitable for you.
Possible support from a grant in case of publishable results (solving an open problem etc.).