A quantified approach to stability in interval linear programming, International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science, ODS 2024, September 8-12, 2024, Badesi, Sardinia.
Fundamental properties of absolute value linear programming problems, 21st Conference on Advances in Continuous Optimization, EUROPT 2024, June 26-28, 2024, Lund, Sweden.
Combinatorial aspects of absolute value linear programming, 8th International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization, ISCO 2024, May 22-24, 2024, La Laguna, Tenerife.
Unique solvability and the solution set properties for interval absolute value equations, SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra, SIAM-LA 2024, May 13-17, 2024, Paris, France.
Robustness of solutions of interval-valued multiobjective problems with an application in transportation, 17th International Conference of Thailand Econometrics Society, TES 2024, January 4-6, 2024, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Global sensitivity analysis in optimization: the case of positive definite quadratic forms, Workshop on Engineering Applications, WEA 2023, Artificial Intelligence, Optimization and Simulation, November 1-3, 2023, Cartagena, Colombia.
A general approach to handle complex sensitivity analysis in linear programming, 17th International Symposium on Operations Research in Slovenia, SOR 2023, September 20-22, 2023, Bled, Slovenia.
A generalized approach to measure sensitivity in linear programming, 41st International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics, MME 2023, September 13-15, 2023, Prague, Czech Republic.
Sensitivity analysis in linear programming revisited: A general approach involving different norms, 6th International Conference on Dynamics of Information Systems, DIS 2023, September 3-6, 2023, Prague, Czech Republic.
Solvability issues of the absolute value equations in case of interval data, 4th International Conference and Summer School Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms, NUMTA 2023, June 14-20, 2023, TUI Calabria, Italy.
Stability in multiobjective linear programming with uncertain costs and weights, 15th International Workshop on Operation Research, IWOR 2023, May 29 - June 2, 2023, Habana, Cuba.
Properties of mathematical programming problems with absolute values, 19th International Conference on Operational Research, KOI 2022, September 28-30, 2022, Šibenik, Croatia.
Absolute value linear programming (with D. Hartman), 15th Workshop on Global Optimization, HUGO 2022, September 6-8, 2022, Szeged, Hungary.
Complexity issues in interval linear programming, International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science, ODS 2022, August 30 - September 2, 2022, Florence, Italy.
Strong solvability of restricted interval systems and its applications in quadratic and geometric programming, 24th Conference of the International Linear Algebra Society, ILAS 2022, June 20-24, 2022, Galway, Ireland.
Sparse convex quadratic programming problem (poster by Hossein Moosaei), Optimal structures of incomplete cooperative games (poster by Martin Černý),Stockholm Optimization Days 2022, June 16-17, 2022, Stockholm, Sweden.
Multiobjective linear programming with interval uncertainty in the costs and weights,NORS Annual Conference 2021, November 17-28, 2021, Bergen, Norway.
Six ways how to define robust Pareto optimality under double interval uncertainty, 16th International Symposium on Operations Research in Slovenia (online meeting), SOR 2021, September 24-26, 2021, Bled, Slovenia.
On linear programming with multiple uncertain objectives and uncertain weights ,
21st International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economy and Industry, MMEI 2021, September 15-19, Smolenice, Slovakia.
Robust Slater's condition in an uncertain environment, 39th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics, MME 2021, September 8-10, 2021, Prague, Czech Republic.
Absolute value programming (invited speaker, online meeting), 52nd Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, AIMC 2021, August 30 - September 2, 2021, Kerman, Iran.
The horizontal linear complementarity problem and robustness of the related matrix classes, 14th The International Conference in Optimization and Learning (online meeting), OLA'2021, June 21-23, 2021, Catania (Sicily), Italy.
On transformations in interval linear programming: just be careful!, 14th International Conference on Strategic Management and its Support by Information Systems (online meeting), SMSIS 2021, May 25-26, 2021, Ostrava, Czech Republic.
Optimal solution set in interval linear programming and its inner approximation, 18th International Conference on Operational Research, KOI 2020, September 23-25, 2020, Šibenik, Croatia.
Redundancy in interval linear systems, 38th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics, MME 2020, September 9-11, 2020, Brno, Czech Republic.
Two approaches to inner estimations of the optimal solution set in interval linear programming (online meeting), 4th International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Metaheuristics & Swarm Intelligence, ISMSI 2020, April 18-19, 2020, Thimphu, Bhutan.
Interval robustness of matrix properties for the linear complementarity problem, 15th International Symposium on Operations Research in Slovenia, SOR 2019, September 25-27, 2019, Bled, Slovenia.
A survey on the interval matrix properties related to the linear complementarity problem, 8th International Conference on Matrix Analysis and its Applications, MAT-TRIAD 2019, September 8-13, 2019, Liblice, Czech Republic.
Radius of stability of different matrix properties related to optimization problems, 8th International Conference on Matrix Analysis and Applications, ICMAA 2019, July 15-18, 2019, Reno, Nevada, USA.
Maximization of a convex quadratic form on a polytope: Factorization and the Chebyshev norm bounds (with D. Hartman), 6th World Congress on Global Optimization, WCGO 2019, July 8-10, 2019, Metz, France.
Approximation of the solution set of absolute value equations, 17th Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization, EUROPT 2019, June 28-29 , 2019, Glasgow, UK.
Several tests for recognizing pseudoconvexity on a restricted domain, 30th European Conference on Operational Research, EURO 2019, June 23-26, 2019, Dublin, Ireland.
The worst case finite optimal value in interval linear programming, 17th International Conference on Operational Research, KOI 2018, September 26-28, 2018, Zadar, Croatia.
Linear interval parametric approach to testing pseudoconvexity, XIV Global Optimization Workshop, LeGO 2018, September 18-21, 2018, Leiden, The Netherlands.
Parametric solution methods for parametric systems of equations, 18th International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic, and Verified Numerical Computation, SCAN 2018, September 10-15, 2018, Tokyo, Japan.
P-completeness of testing solutions of parametric interval linear systems, eleventh edition of Constraint Programming and Decision Making Workshop, CoProD 2018, September 10, 2018, Tokyo, Japan.
Numerical verification for systems of linear and nonlinear equations (invited speaker, in Czech), Programy a algoritmy numerické matematiky 19, PANM 19, June 24-29, 2018, Hejnice.
The role of interval linear algebra in global optimization (invited speaker), Minisymposium on Trusted Numerical Computations, TNC 2018, June 19, 2018, Krakow, Poland. A part of International Conference on Emerging Trends in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, ETAMM 2018.
Optimization of quadratic forms and t-norm forms on interval domain and computational complexity (with M. Černý), 7th World Conference of Soft Computing, 7thWConSC'18, May 29-31, 2018, Baku, Azerbaijan.
Robustness of properties of matrices appearing in optimization, International Conference on Optimization, SIGOPT 2018, March 21-23, 2018, Kloster Irsee, Germany.
Interval robustness in linear programming (invited tutorial, in Czech), 20th winter school of JČMF, ROBUST 2018, January 21-26, Rybník u Hostouně.
The shape of the optimal value of a fuzzy linear programming problem (with M. Černý), North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society Annual Conference, NAFIPS 2017, October 16-18, 2017, Cancun, Mexico.
AE regularity of interval matrices, International Conference on MATRIX Analysis and its Applications, MAT-TRIAD 2017, September 25-29, 2017, Będlewo, Poland.
Tolerances, robustness and parametrization of matrix
properties related to optimization problems, 11th International Conference on Parametric Optimization and Related Topics, ParaoptXI, September 19-22, 2017, Prague.
On relation of possibly efficiency and robust counterparts in interval multiobjective linear programming, International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science, ODS 2017, September 4-7, 2017, Sorrento, Italy.
On identification region of halfspace depth of interval-valued data (with M. Černý and M. Rada), 61st World Statistics Congress, ISI 2017, July 16-21, 2017, Marrakech, Morocco.
A novel data envelopment analysis ranking based on a robust approach, 15th International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA 2017, June 26-29, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic.
Generalized regularity and singularity of interval matrices, 6th International Conference on Matrix Analysis and Applications, ICMAA 2017, June 15-18, 2017, Danang, Vietnam.
Recognizing pseudoconvexity of a function on an interval domain, Olomoucian Days of Applied Mathematics, ODAM 2017, May 31 - June 2, 2017, Olomouc, Czech Republic.
Introduction to interval computation and numerical verification (invited two lectures), Seminar of numerical analysis and winter school, SNA 2017, January 30 - February 3, 2017, Ostrava, Czech Republic.
When dependencies do not matter?, 17th International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetics and Verified Numerics, SCAN 2016, September 26-29, 2016, Uppsala, Sweden.
Testing pseudoconvexity via interval computation, XIII Global Optimization Workshop, GOW 2016, September 4-8, 2016, Braga, Portugal.
EIV regression with bounded error distributions and generalized linear-fractional programming (with M. Černý), 28th European Conference on Operational Research, EURO 2016, July 3-6, 2016, Poznań, Poland.
On the optimal solution set in interval linear programming, Applied mathematical programming and Modelling, APMOD 2016, June 8-10, 2016, Brno, Czech Republic.
Interval convex quadratic programming problems in a general form, International Conference on Applications of Mathematics to Nonlinear Sciences, AMNS 2016, May 26-29, 2016, Kathmandu, Nepal.
EIV regression with uniformly bounded error distributions (with M. Černý), XXth International Symposium on Mathematical Methods Applied to the Sciences, SIMMAC 2016, February 23-26, 2016, San José, Costa Rica.
Interval convex quadratic programming problems in a general form, The 13th International Symposium on Operations Research in Slovenia, SOR 2015, September 23-25, 2015, Bled, Slovenia.
On relation between P-matrices and regularity of interval matrices,MAT-TRIAD 2015, September 7-11, 2015, Coimbra, Portugal.
What computational complexity theory tells us about (some) statistical problems (with M. Černý), 60th World Statistics Congress, ISI 2015, July 26-31, 2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Yet another method for solving interval linear equations, 8th Small Workshop on Interval Methods, SWIM 2015, June 9-11, 2015, Prague, Czech Republic.
Total least squares and Chebyshev norm (with M. Černý), 15th International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2015, June 1-3, 2015, Reykjavík, Iceland.
The effect of Hessian evaluations in the global optimization αBB method, 6th International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing, HPSC 2015, March 16-20, 2015, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Interval linear parametric matrices and global optimization, 5th Czech Workshop on Applied Mathematics in Engineering, AIME@CZ 2015, February 24-25, 2015, Prague.
Optimal preconditioning for the interval parametric Gauss-Seidel method, 16th GAMM-IMACS International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic and Validated Numerics, SCAN 2014, September 21-26, 2014, Würzburg, Germany.
Positive semidefiniteness and positive definiteness of a linear parametric interval matrix, seventh edition of Constraint Programming and Decision Making Workshop, CoProD 2014, September 20, 2014, Würzburg, Germany.
An extension of the αBB-type underestimation to linear parametric Hessian matrices, XII Global Optimization Workshop (GOW), MAGO 2014, September 1-4, 2014, Málaga, Spain.
Positive semidefiniteness and positive definiteness of a linear parametric interval matrix, 7th Small Workshop on Interval Methods, SWIM 2014, June 11-12, 2014, Uppsala, Sweden.
Interval Programming (invited lectures, with M. Černý), workshop at the 7th International Conference of Iranian Operations Research Society, OR 2014, May 12-13, Semnan, Iran.
Intervalová data a výpočet některých statistik ("Interval data and computation of some statistics", with M. Černý, in Czech), 18th summer school of JČMF, ROBUST 2014, January 19-24, Jetřichovice.
Inverse linear optimization with interval coefficients (with M. Černý), International Conference on Pure and Applied Mathematics, ICPAM-LAE 2013, November 26-28, 2013, Lae, Papua New Guinea.
Complexity issues for the symmetric interval eigenvalue problem, 5th Conference on Matrix Analysis and its Applications, MAT-TRIAD 2013, September 16-20, 2013, Herceg Novi, Montenegro.
A shaving method for interval linear systems of equations, 10th International Conference on on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, PPAM 2013, September 8-11, 2013, Warsaw, Poland.
Optimization with uncertain, inexact or unstable data: Linear programming and the interval approach (with M. Černý, invited lecture), 10th International Conference on Strategic Management and its Support by Information Systems, SMSIS 2013, August 29-30, 2013, Valašské Meziříčí, Czech Republic.
The Effect of Hessian Evaluations in the Global Optimization αBB Method, 59th workshop Nonlinear Optimization: a Bridge from Theory to Applications, June 10-17, 2013, Erice, Italy.
Polyhedral relaxations for constraint satisfaction problems, 6th Small Workshop on Interval Methods, SWIM 2013, June 5-7, 2013, Brest, France.
On approximation of the best case optimal value in interval linear programming, 2nd International Conference on Operations Research and Optimization, ORO 2013, January 19-22, 2013, Tehran, Iran.
New directions in interval linear programming, (invited lecture), 15th GAMM-IMACS International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic and Verified Numerical Computations, SCAN 2012, September 23-29, Novosibirsk, Russia.
Interval linear programming techniques in constraint programming and global optimization, fifth edition of Constraint Programming and Decision Making Workshop, CoProD 2012, September 23, Novosibirsk, Russia.
An interval linear programming contractor, 30th Int. Conf. Mathematical Methods in Economics, MME 2012, September 11-13, Karviná.
Algoritmy, složitost a intervalová data ("Algorithms, complexity and interval data", with M. Černý, invited lecture), 17th summer school of JČMF, ROBUST 2012, September 9-14, Němčičky.
Characterizing and bounding eigenvalues of interval matrices, SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra, SIAM-LA 2012, June 18-22, Valencia, Spain.
On the tolerance approach to possibilistic nonlinear regression over interval data, 5th International Conference on Reliable Engineering Computing - Practical Applications and Practical Challenges, REC 2012, June 13-15, Brno.
Error bounds on the spectral radius of uncertain matrices, 9th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, ICNAAM 2011, September 19-25, Halkidiki, Greece.
An interval linear programming contractor,OR Zurich 2011, August 30 - September 2, Zurich, Switzerland.
Bounds on eigenvalues of complex interval matrices, Small Workshop on Interval Methods SWIM 2011, June 14-15, Bourges, France.
Enclosures to the solution sets of parametric interval linear systems, 14th GAMM-IMACS International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic and Validated Numerics SCAN 2010, September 27-30, Lyon, France.
New approach to interval linear regression, 24th Mini-EURO Conference On Continuous Optimization and Information-Based Technologies in The Financial Sector MEC EurOPT 2010, June 23-26, 2010, Izmir, Turkey.
On necessarily efficient solutions in interval multiobjective linear programming, 25th Mini-EURO Conference "Uncertainty and Robustness in Planning and Decision Making" URPDM 2010, April 15-17, 2010, Coimbra, Portugal.
Generalized linear fractional programming under interval uncertainty, 23rd European Conference on Operational Research EURO XXIII, July 5-8, 2009, Bonn, Germany.
Support set invariancy for interval bimatrix games, the 7th EUROPT Workshop "Advances in Continuous Optimization", EurOPT 2009, July 3-4, Remagen, Germany.
Interval valued bimatrix games,
16-th Int. Conf. Mathematical Methods in Economy and Industry MMEI 2009, June 15-18, České Budějovice.
Bounds on eigenvalues of symmetric interval matrices, Small Workshop on Interval Methods SWIM 2009, June 10-11, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Tolerance analysis in linear programming,
Veszprém Optimization Conference:
Advanced Algorithms VOCAL 2008, December 15-17, Veszprém, Hungary.
Tolerances in portfolio selection via interval linear programming,
26-th Int. Conf. Mathematical Methods in Economics MME 2008, September 17-19, Liberec.
Computing the range of real eigenvalues of an interval matrix, Small Workshop on Interval Methods SWIM 2008, June 19-20, Montpellier, France.
Optimal value bounds in nonlinear programming with interval data, the 20th international conference EURO Mini Conference: "Continuous Optimization and Knowledge-Based Technologies", EurOPT 2008, May 20-23, Neringa, Lithunia.
Optimal value range in interval linear programming, 22nd European Conference on Operational Research EURO XXII, July 8-11, 2007, Prague.
Computing the tolerance in multiobjective linear programming, Joint EUROPT-OMS Meeting 2007: 2nd Conference on Optimization Methods & Software
and 6th EUROPT Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization, EurOPT-OMS 2007, July 4-7, Prague.
Separation of convex polyhedral sets with uncertain data,
24-th Int. Conf. Mathematical Methods in Economics MME 2006, September 13-15, Pilsen.
Other workshop participation
33rd European Conference on Operational Research, EURO 2024, June 30 - July 3, 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark. [PC member]
Foundations of Computational Mathematics, FoCM'2014, December 11-20, 2014, Montevideo, Uruguay.