Ludek Kucera
Full professor
Department of Applied Mathematics
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Charles University, Prague
Tel. (+420) 221 914 233
Fax. (+420) 257 531 014
Secr.(+420) 221 914 233
E-mail: use my first name (without accents) and the domain
Office: room nr. 225
Building Malostranske nam. 25
Research Areas
combinatorial algorithms, probabilistic analysis, parallel computing
Teaching: Please switch to Czech page
The page is a description of my current research project of an HPC architecture for solving problems with LOW Arithmetic INtensity (e.g., those based on sparse grids in Computational Fluid Dynamics or Numerical Weather Prediction)
Department of Applied Mathematics,
Charles University,
Malostranské nám. 25,
118 00 Praha 1,
Czech Republic