Spring School 2025
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Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.

  • Your password can’t be too similar to your other personal information.
  • Your password must contain at least 8 characters.
  • Your password can’t be a commonly used password.
  • Your password can’t be entirely numeric.

Enter the same password as before, for verification.

By registering to the Spring School of Combinatorics 2025 you agree with the attached GDPR (in short we need your name, email, affiliation, date of arrival, we take photos, publish list of participants and talks, we share some of this data to the RSJ foundation).

Processing of personal data

Spring School is an event of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University (hereafter Matfyz) sponzored by RSJ foundation (Nadace RSJ, Na Florenci 2116/15, 110 00 Praha 1). For its operation, we need to process some of your personal data. Here you will find out what they are and what we do with them. Formal consent to law processing follows.

We receive from you the data filled in the Spring School application form (= name, surname and e-mail address, telephone number).

We promise you that we will not use your personal data for any use whatsoever not related to Spring School, RSJ foundation, or other Matfyz activities. We use the data to organize the Spring Schools as well as for archiving and advertising purposes.

We only publicly publish a list of participants and their talks.

In addition, we take photographs and possibly videotapes at Spring School and we use them for news and promotional purposes and also for a presentation at the RSJ Foundation.

I hereby grant the approval to Charles University, based in Ovocný trh 560/5, 116 36 Praha 1, ID 00216208 (hereinafter referred to as UK), which is the personal administrator data from all faculties and UK parts to process personal data for needs of the Spring School of the faculty of Mathematics and Physics Faculty, Charles University (hereinafter referred to as Spring School and MFF UK).

I grant this consent for all of the above personal information, after that the duration of the participation at Spring School, and 10 years later, and I agree with the retention necessary data for archival purposes even after this deadline (list of participants and their talks, collections of photographs).

Data will not be passed on to a third party (besides the aforementioned used by RSJ foundation) or used for purposes other than which have been described.

I agree with this consent from my own free will and I acknowledge, that I can revoke it at any time by sending an email to the address spring@kam.mff.cuni.cz. I acknowledge, that data in the printed publications cannot be removed :-D.

You also have the right:

  • Request information about which personal data are processed for you,
  • Require the repair of personal data if it is invalid or obsolete,
  • Require your personal data not to be processed until the legitimacy of the above requirements will be solved,
  • Require your personal information to be passed to another Administrator,
  • fill a complaint to the Supervising Authority.

In case of any query about your rights, you can contact the Privacy Office at email address gdpr@cuni.cz.