The talks

Many thanks to Vasek for writting down these funny notes. In the following, A means audience (multiple pieces with indices), S means speaker:

"There are things in mathematics you should rather treat formally, since looking for an intuition may drive you crazy." (Jiří Matoušek)

A: I think I'm a bit lost now.
S: I thought of this.

S: It's always better to have it smooth.

A: What is "X star"?
S: I don't have X.

S: ...and the \alpha is the radius to two of the ball.

S: To je přesně majnus ef.

S: ...a teď mi už stačí dokázat jen jednu podivnou vc.

S: The theorem just says that what we find is also what we want to find.

S: Don't laugh, you allowed me to call \Phi "Ps".

A: But what, ..., uh, ...
S: Sorry, I don't understand your question.

S: And because I'm running out of time, I'm going to erase it.
(Said about an unproved theorem.)

S: It does not matter.
A: It does.
S: I know.

S: I do not want to do a technical proof here because it's not fun.

S: The constant will go from all the conputations I will NOT make.

S: The \gamma is very very big. So big that you cannot imagine.

A: The T is a fixed number?
S: Yes.
A: And you will fix it later on?

S: We will now prove that U_k(I) is ...
A: What is U_k(I)?
S: I'll say that later in the technical part.

S: Do you believe me that it holds for k=0?
A: No.
S: Ok, assume that it holds for k=0.

S: And now the less technical part ends.
A1: Oh, my God.
A2: Omega, omega.

S: And to scary you ever more, I'll introduce some constants.

S: \Gamma_{\log n}

A: (trying to disassemble the blackboard)
S: No! Stop!
Chair: We ask the audience not to interrupt the speaker.

A: Can I ask?
S: Yes.
A: OK, now I see.