18th February:
25th February:
- constants, further control structures,
- modifiers public, private and protected,
- example - Euclid's algorithmm,
- presentation.
4rd March:
- Further technical items in C#,
- keyword
object instanciation, constructors, destructors, function-overloading,
- arrays,
- presentation.
11th March:
- strings, class StringBuilder, structures,
- inheritance, virtual methods,
- abstract and sealed classes and methods,
- presentation.
18th March: Combinatorics and Graph Theory instead of Programming!
25th March:
- Linked lists revisited, universal linked list,
- files (StreamReader,StreamWriter),
- computer simulation.
- presentation.
1st April:
- Computer simulation,
- ArrayList,
- generic data types, namely List.
- Presentation.
8th April:
- Windows forms-applications.
- No presentation in PDF.
15th April:
22th April:
29th April
- Exceptions,
- generic data-types (definition),
- operator overloading. We spent a few words on games-programming we will continue next time with.
- Presentation.
6th May (Marathon)
13th May
Rector's day with sports (no lecture).
20th May
Exercise on games, remaining algorithms (e.g., median in linear time, hashing,
bucketsort, randomized algorithms, further graph algorithms).