NDMI084 Introduction to approximation and randomized algorithms
Winter semester 2018/19
Petr Kolman, Jirí Sgall
Lectures take place on Mondays at 2 - 3:30 pm, lecture room S9.
Czech Lectures take place on Fridays at 9 - 10:30 pm, lecture room S4, and are given by Jiří Sgall.
This course covers techniques for design and analysis of
algorithms, demonstrated on concrete combinatorial problems. For
many optimization problems it is impossible (or NP-hard) to design
algorithms that finds an optimal solution fast. In such a case we
study approximation algorithms that work faster, at the cost that
we find a good solution, not necessarily an optimal one. Often we
use randomness in design of (approximation and other) algorithms,
which allows to solve problems more efficiently or even to solve
problems that are otherwise intractable. Recommended for the 3rd
Covered topics
- October 1
- Introduction.
- Randomized protocol for computing the average salary.
- Optimization and NP-optimization problems.
- October 8
- Approximation algorithm and ratio [WS 1.1, V1].
- TSP - limits on approximation in the general setting.
- Metric TSP - 2-approximation for the metric TSP, Christofides 1.5-approximation [WS 2.4, V 3.2].
- Discrete probability - review of elementary definitions and properties (see
Notes on probability
by J. Matousek).
- October 15
- Randomized Quicksort [MU 2.5, MR 1, KT 13.5].
- Contention resolution in a distributed system - randomized protocol [KT 13.1].
- Randomized minimum cut algorithm - sketch of the algorithm [KT 13.2].
- October 22
- Randomized minimum cut algorithm - analysis [KT 13.2].
- Scheduling on identical machines - local search [WS 2.3].
- October 29
- Scheduling on identical machines - greedy (list scheduling, longest processing time first), online [WS 2.3].
- Greedy algorithms for bin packing (first fit, best fit, any fit, online) [WS 3.3, V 9].
- November 5
- Greedy algorithm for edge disjoint paths in graphs [KT 11.5].
- Greedy algorithm for paths in graphs with capacities [KT 11.5].
- November 12
- Randomized algorithms for satisfiability [WS 5.1-5.5, V 16].
- Ssimple 1/2-approximation algorithm for MAX SAT (RAND SAT ALG),
7/8-approximation algorithm for MAX-E3-SAT.
- Biased randomized approximation algorithm.
- Approximation based on linear programming relaxation.
- November 19
- Choosing the better of two solutions - 3/4 approximation for MAX SAT [WS 5.5].
- Derandomization of RAND SAT ALG for MAX SAT by the method of conditional expectation [WS 5.3].
- Algorithms for vertex and set cover [WS 1.2-1.6, 7.1, V 13-14].
- The greedy algorithm and its analysis using dual linear program.
- November 26
- Algorithms for vertex and set cover [WS 1.2-1.6, 7.1, V 13-14].
- The primal algorithm, the dual algorithm, the primal-dual algorithm.
- Parallel algorithm for maximum independent set problem [MR 12.3, also nice notes by Eric Vigoda at
- December 3
- Parallel algorithm for maximum independent set problem, contd. Derandomization - sketch. [MR 12.3, the notes by E. Vigoda].
- Hashing [MR 8.4, MU 13.3].
- December 10
- Hashing [MR 8.4, MU 13.3].
- Dynamic dictionary with expected constant time per operation.
- Static dictionary with constant time per lookup in the worst case.
- Randomized testing of matrix multiplication in linear time [MR 7.1, MU 1.3].
- December 17
- Randomized testing of polynomial identities [MR 7.1, MU 1.3].
- Testing the existance of perfect matchings in bipartite and general graphs [MR 7.3, 12.4].
- January 7, 2019
- Parallel randomized algorithm for a perfect matching [MR 7.3, 12.4].
There is no required textbook but the material presented in the course
is covered by several good books.
[WS] D. P. Williamson, D. B. Shmoys: The Design of
Approximation Algorithms, Cambridge University Press, 2011.
[MR] R. Motwani, P. Raghavan: Randomized algorithms, Cambridge
University Press, 1995.
[MU] M. Mitzenmacher, E. Upfal: Probability and Computing:
Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Analysis, Cambridge
University Press, 2005.
[V] V. V. Vazirani: Approximation Algorithms, Springer, 2001.
[KT] J. Kleinberg, E. Tardos: Algorithm Design, Pearson, 2006.
For introduction to Linear Programming whose elementary knowledge is expected
in this course, we recommend the first three chapters of the textbook
Understanding and Using Linear Programming by J. Matousek and B. Gärtner (a
preliminary Czech version is available as Lineární programování a
lineární algebra pro informatiky).
Other courses on approximation or randomized algorithms