• KAM Series 1988

(88-72) I. Kriz : Ordinal types in Ramsey theory and well-partial-ordering theory.
(88-73) D. Volny : Counterexamples to the central limit problem for stationary dependent random variables.
(88-74) J. Matousek, J. Nesetril, R. Thomas : On polynomial-time decidability of induced minor-closed classes.
(88-75) J. Kratochvil, J. Nesetril : Planar subgraphs of topological layouts.
(88-76) J. Ulehla : The description of the behaviour of the finite automaton in the Abelian group with two pebbles.
(88-77) J. Rohn : A short proof of finiteness of Murty's complementary pivot algorithm.
(88-78) J. Ulehla : Over the 28-August-87's draft of detecting regularities in computations by Oded Maler.
(88-79) J. Rohn : Nearness of matrices to singularity.
(88-80) B. Gruber : Reduced cells based on extremal principles (On a certain classification of Buerger cells).
(88-81) S. Poljak, M. Schegel : Computing Jordan canonical form of a matrix from its pattern.
(88-82) P. Hell, J. Nesetril : Universality of directed graphs of a given height.
(88-83) J. Kratochvil : String graphs I: The number of critical nonstring graphs is infinite.
(88-84) O. Zyka : Bipartite density for 3-regular graphs with large girth.
(88-85) V. Pus : Chromatic number of product of graphs.
(88-86) J. Kratochvil : String graphs II: Recognizing string graphs is NP-hard.
(88-87) M. Loebl, S. Poljak : On line balancing strongly unimodular matrices.
(88-88) J. Kratochvil, S. Poljak : Compatible two-factors.
(88-89) A. Pultr : Diameters in locales: How bad they can be.
(88-90) J. Rohn : An asymptotic result for linear interval systems.
(88-91) J. Rohn : A two-sequence method for linear interval equations.
(88-92) R. Thomas : The tree-width compactness theorem for hypergraphs.
(88-93) J. Ulehla : Languages of moves.
(88-94) P. Hell, J. Nesetril : Images of rigid digraphs.
(88-95) J. Nesetril, G. Sabidussi : Minimal graphs without bilateral symmetry: The case of induced length 4.
(88-96) J. Matousek, R. Thomas : Algorithms finding tree-decompositions of graphs.
(88-97) B. Mohar, S. Poljak : Eigenvalues and the max-cut problem.
(88-98) A. Pultr, W. Tholen : Localic enrichments of categories.
(88-99) I. Kriz : Well-quasiordering finite trees with gap-condition. Proof of Harvey Friedman's conjecture.
(88-100) I. Kriz : Proving a witness lemma in better-quasiordering theory: The method of ``extensions''.
(88-101) J. Ulehla : The twisted and the divisible mappings between the sets of all formal languages over given alphabets.
(88-102) The Annual Report.
(88-103) F. Mraz : On local extremum of a quadratic function subject to linear constraints.
(88-104) M. Krivanek, M. Loebl : On the computational complexity of distance and median problems on partitions.
(88-105) B. Banaschewski, A. Pultr : Tarski's fixpoint lemma and combinatorial games.
(88-106) M. Loebl : On gadgets.
(88-107) J. Kratochvil : Perfect codes and two-graphs.
(88-108) B. Banaschewski, A. Pultr : Cauchy points of metric locales.
(88-109) J. Ulehla : The MAD project.
(88-110) J. Nesetril : Ramsey theory.
(88-111) J. Ulehla : Does this algorithm break the Kucera-Micali code?.
(88-112) J. Ulehla : The moments of the distance of a randomly permutated random restricted Kucera-Micali graph from restricted Kucera-Micali graphs.
(88-113) G. Brightwell, J. Nesetril : Reorientation of covering graphs.
(88-114) E. Hajicova, J. Panevova, P. Sgall : Recent results of automation projects in Prague.
(88-115) P. Alles, S. Poljak : Long induced paths and cycles in Kneser graphs.
(88-116) S. Poljak : On generic dimension of controllable subspace.
(88-117) S. Poljak, J. Rohn : Radius of nonsingularity.
(88-118) D. Matula, L. Kucera : An Expose-and-Merge algorithm and the chromatic number of a random graph.
(88-119) L. Kucera : Graphs with small chromatic numbers are easy to color.
(88-120) J. Panevova, P. Sgall : On the notion of Interlingua.
(88-121) I. Kriz, R. Thomas : On well-quasiordering finite structures with labels.