Milan Hladík's Publications:

A new polynomially solvable class of quadratic optimization problems with box constraints

Milan Hladík, Michal Černý, and Miroslav Rada. A new polynomially solvable class of quadratic optimization problems with box constraints. Optim. Lett., 15(6):2331–2341, September 2021.


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We consider the quadratic optimization problem $\max_x \in C\ x^T Q x + q^Tx$, where $C\subseteq R^n$ is a box and $r:=rank(Q)$ is assumed to be $O(1)$ (i.e., fixed). We show that this case can be solved in polynomial time for an arbitrary $Q$ and $q$. The idea is based on a reduction of the problem to enumeration of faces of a certain zonotope in dimension $O(r)$. This paper generalizes previous results where $Q$ had been assumed to be positive semidefinite and no linear term was allowed in the objective function. Positive definiteness was a strong restriction and it is now relaxed. Generally, the problem is NP-hard; this paper describes a new polynomially solvable class of instances, larger than those known previously.


 author = "Milan Hlad\'{\i}k and Michal {\v{C}}ern\'{y} and Miroslav Rada",
 title = "A new polynomially solvable class of quadratic optimization problems with box constraints",
 journal = "Optim. Lett.",
 fjournal = "Optimization Letters",
 volume = "15",
 number = "6",
 month = "September",
 pages = "2331-2341",
 year = "2021",
 doi = "10.1007/s11590-021-01711-6",
 issn = "1862-4480",
 url = "",
 bib2html_dl_html = "",
 bib2html_dl_pdf = "",
 abstract = "We consider the quadratic optimization problem $\max_{x \in C}\ x^T Q x + q^Tx$, where $C\subseteq R^n$ is a box and $r:=rank(Q)$ is assumed to be $O(1)$ (i.e., fixed). We show that this case can be solved in polynomial time for an arbitrary $Q$ and $q$. The idea is based on a reduction of the problem to enumeration of faces of a certain zonotope in dimension $O(r)$. This paper generalizes previous results where $Q$ had been assumed to be positive semidefinite and no linear term was allowed in the objective function. Positive definiteness was a strong restriction and it is now relaxed. Generally, the problem is NP-hard; this paper describes a new polynomially solvable class of instances, larger than those known previously.",
 keywords = "Quadratic optimization; Box-constrained optimization; Low-rank matrix; Zonotope; Computational complexity",

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