Milan Hladík. Testing pseudoconvexity via interval computation. J. Glob. Optim., 71(3):443–455, 2018.
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We study the problem of checking pseudoconvexity of a twice differentiable function on an interval domain. Based on several characterizations of pseudoconvexity of a real function, we propose sufficient conditions for verifying pseudoconvexity on a domain formed by a Cartesian product of real intervals. We carried out numerical experiments to show which methods perform well from two perspectives - the computational complexity and effectiveness of recognizing pseudoconvexity.
@article{Hla2018c, author = "Milan Hlad\'{\i}k", title = "Testing pseudoconvexity via interval computation", journal = "J. Glob. Optim.", fjournal = "Journal of Global Optimization", volume = "71", number = "3", pages = "443-455", year = "2018", doi = "10.1007/s10898-017-0537-6", issn = "0925-5001", bib2html_dl_html = "", bib2html_dl_pdf = "", abstract = "We study the problem of checking pseudoconvexity of a twice differentiable function on an interval domain. Based on several characterizations of pseudoconvexity of a real function, we propose sufficient conditions for verifying pseudoconvexity on a domain formed by a Cartesian product of real intervals. We carried out numerical experiments to show which methods perform well from two perspectives - the computational complexity and effectiveness of recognizing pseudoconvexity.", keywords = "Global optimization; Interval computation; Pseudoconvexity", }
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