Milan Hladík's Publications:

Interval linear programming under transformations: optimal solutions and optimal value range

Elif Garajová, Milan Hladík, and Miroslav Rada. Interval linear programming under transformations: optimal solutions and optimal value range. Cent. Eur. J. Oper. Res., 27(3):601–614, September 2019.


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Interval linear programming provides a tool for solving real-world optimization problems under interval-valued uncertainty. Instead of approximating or estimating crisp input data, the coefficients of an interval program may perturb independently within the given lower and upper bounds. However, contrarily to classical linear programming, an interval program cannot always be converted into a desired form without affecting its properties, due to the so-called dependency problem. In this paper, we discuss the common transformations used in linear programming, such as imposing non-negativity on free variables or splitting equations into inequalities, and their effects on interval programs. Specifically, we examine changes in the set of all optimal solutions, optimal values and the optimal value range. Since some of the considered properties do not holds in the general case, we also study a special class of interval programs, in which uncertainty only affects the objective function and the right-hand-side vector. For this class, we obtain stronger results.


 author = "Elif Garajov\'{a} and Milan Hlad\'{\i}k and Miroslav Rada",
 title = "Interval linear programming under transformations: optimal solutions and optimal value range", 
 journal = "Cent. Eur. J. Oper. Res.",
 fjournal = "Central European Journal of Operations Research",
 volume = "27",
 number = "3",
 month = "September",
 pages = "601-614",
 year = "2019",
 doi = "10.1007/s10100-018-0580-5",
 issn = "1613-9178",
 url = "",
 bib2html_dl_html = "",
 bib2html_dl_pdf = "",
 abstract = "Interval linear programming provides a tool for solving real-world optimization problems under interval-valued uncertainty. Instead of approximating or estimating crisp input data, the coefficients of an interval program may perturb independently within the given lower and upper bounds. However, contrarily to classical linear programming, an interval program cannot always be converted into a desired form without affecting its properties, due to the so-called dependency problem. In this paper, we discuss the common transformations used in linear programming, such as imposing non-negativity on free variables or splitting equations into inequalities, and their effects on interval programs. Specifically, we examine changes in the set of all optimal solutions, optimal values and the optimal value range. Since some of the considered properties do not holds in the general case, we also study a special class of interval programs, in which uncertainty only affects the objective function and the right-hand-side vector. For this class, we obtain stronger results.",
 keywords = "Interval linear programming; Optimal set; Optimal value range; Transformations",

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