Milan Hladík's Publications:

On computationally complex instances of the $c$-optimal experimental design problem: breaking RSA-based cryptography via $c$-optimal design

Michal Černý, Milan Hladík, and Veronika Skočdopolová. On computationally complex instances of the c-optimal experimental design problem: breaking RSA-based cryptography via c-optimal design. In Proceedings of Compstat 2010, Paris, pp. 879–886, 2010.




We study the computational complexity of the problem to find a c-optimal experimental design over a finite experimental domain. We construct instances of the problem which are computationally very difficult: we show how any algorithm for c-optimality can be used for integer factoring and hence for breaking the RSA cryptographic protocol. These 'hard' instances can also be used as a benchmark for testing algorithms for finding c-optimal designs.


 author="Michal {\v{C}}ern\'{y} and Hlad{\'\i}k, Milan and Sko\v{c}dopolov\'{a}, Veronika",
 editor = "Lechevallier, Yves and Saporta, Gilbert",
 title="{On computationally complex instances of the $c$-optimal experimental design problem: breaking RSA-based cryptography via $c$-optimal design}",
 webtitle="{On computationally complex instances of the <i>c</i>-optimal experimental design problem: breaking RSA-based cryptography via <i>c</i>-optimal design}",
 booktitle = "Proceedings of Compstat 2010, Paris",
 pages = "879-886",
 year = "2010",
 bib2html_dl_html = "",
 abstract = "We study the computational complexity of the problem to find a c-optimal experimental design over a finite experimental domain. We construct instances of the problem which are computationally very difficult: we show how any algorithm for c-optimality can be used for integer factoring and hence for breaking the RSA cryptographic protocol. These 'hard' instances can also be used as a benchmark for testing algorithms for finding c-optimal designs.",
 keywords = "c-optimal experimental design, cryptography, RSA, integer factoring",

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