Mathematical Programming & Combinatorial Optimization
This is a master-level course focusing on two topics in combinatorial optimization: i) structure of polytopes and the complexity of their description, ii) efficient methods for optimization over polytopes (and polyhedra).
During the Summer Semester 2024-2025 the lectures are scheduled on Thursdays at 09:00 in S6 in Mala Strana.
Tutorials are held immediately preceding the lecture in the same room at 8:15.
Course Requirements (Exam etc.)
The final grade for the course will be based on an exam at the end of the semester. You must obtain a "pass" in the tutorial to be able to take the exam for this course. .
Tentative Syllabus
- Polyhedra/Polytopes: basic notions, face lattice, polar duality
- Ellipsoid algorithm for linear programming
- Interior point methods for linear programming
- Extended formulations
The following is a list of Books and other material relevant to the lectures. The list will be updated as needed.