Here we store the experimental results described in
- M. Balko and J. Kynčl. Bounding the pseudolinear crossing number of Kn via simulated annealing, Extended abstract in the (informal) Proceedings of the XVI Spanish Meeting on Computational Geometry, pages 37-40, 2015. [booklet of abstracts]
A drawing D of a graph is pseudolinear if the edges of D can be extended to doubly-infinite curves that form an arrangement of pseudolines. The pseudolinear crossing number of Kn, denoted by cr(Kn), is the minimum number of crossings in a pseudolinear drawing of Kn. Using simulated annealing, we obtain new pseudolinear drawings of Kn with few crossings for small values of n. We introduce a pseudolinear version of known constructions that blow up rectilinear drawings of Kn and we improve an upper bound for the leading constant in cr(Kn) to 0.380448, shrinking the current gap between the lower and upper
bound by roughly five percent.
Further details can be found in the paper.
Every pseudolinear drawing of Kn can be decribed by specifying the orientation of each of its triangles. The n-signature of a drawing is the vector of these orientations.
Every pseudolinear drawing of Kn is thus stored as a {+,-}-vector whose length is the number of triples of vertices of Kn.
The coordinates of this vector are triples (a,b,c), 1 <= a < b < c <= n, in the lexicographic order where a triple is assigned + if the corresponding triangle in D is oriented counterclockwise and - otherwise.
For n even, we also store a halving matching contained in the corresponding drawing of Kn.
We recall that f : [n] → [n] is a halving matching in a pseudolinear drawing D of Kn if for every element i from [n] the pair {i, f(i)} is a halving pair in D and there are no distinct i, j in [n] with f(i) = j and f(j) = i.
A halving matching f is represented with pairs i:f(i) for every i from [n].
A compressed directory with all drawings: [ZIP, 121 kB]
Last update: 28.11.2016