Graph Drawing '99 - Instructions for authors

Dear author(s),

Thank you for contributing to the proceedings of Graph Drawing'99. As announced, the proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag as a special volume of Lecture Notes in Computer Science.

To reach the optimal quality of the printout of your paper and to avoid useless delay in the proceedings preparation please follow the instructions prepared by the technical editor Jiri Fiala. You may also want to check Springer author instructions.

Please, direct all questions and correspondence regarding the typesetting of your paper to

I would also like to remind you that regular papers should be no more than 10 pages, short papers and demos are expected to be 5 - 8 pages long.

The deadline for final version is at the conference, September 18, 1999. Till this date you have to e-mail the latex and ps files to Jiri Fiala, and mail or bring two hard copies of your paper to the conference. However, if you send the latex and ps files of your contribution before September 10, we will have time to incorporate your files into the volume and you will get galley proofs at the conference. In this case you do not have to deliver the hard copies.

Please, fill in and sign the Springer copyright form and mail or bring it to the conference.

Looking forward to seeing you soon at Stirin, and to seeing the final version of your paper (hopefully even sooner).

With best regards

Jan Kratochvil, editor

Typesetting instructions

  1. Prepare your paper in LaTeX and LLNCS style.
  2. Use the standard header as in the sample file.
  3. Do not use any further styles and makros.
  4. Include figures as PostScript (graphics package) or as .ipe files. To save space, prepare your figures in black and white and at most 600 DPI.
  5. Follow the typesetting instructions written by Springer.
  6. Send the LaTeX file, all figure files and the final postscipt file to latest by September 18, 1999, but PREFERABLY before September 10, 1999.
  7. Bring filled in and signed copyright form to the GD'99 conference.
Thank you in advance

Jiri Fiala, technical editor

July 17, 1999