Matematics++, spring semester 2024/2025

Ida Kantor, Robert Šámal, Martin Tancer


Modern computer science often uses mathematical tools that reach beyond the scope of standard mathematical courses in the bachelor program. This course will present a (somewhat condensed) introduction to several fields of mathematics that proved especially useful in computer science and in discrete mathematics. Computer science applications will be shown as well. This course is suitable for master's or PhD students of computer science. The students are assumed to have prior knowledge in the extent of mandatory courses of the bachelor program in computer science. For illustration, see topics of past lectures.

This year we will focus on measure theory -- as a background for probability. Also on geometry in high dimensions and a bit of functional analysis.


Interest in mathematics, knowledge roughly in the extend of cs bachalor degree at MFF UK. We will mostly build upon analysis, probability and linear algebra.


Two hours of lectures and two hours of tutorials weekly (2/2). Credit and exam.


A substantial part of the class will consist of independent solving of homework problems. Credit will be given for solving a sufficient number of problems. The exercises will be led by Petr Chmel and Tomáš Hons.


Will be oral, containing both theory and problems. For the arrangement of time, email the lecturers. (Ideally all of them, the one with similar time preferences as you will reply.) Note: each of us will examine you from anything that was being taught, not just his/her third!


[KMS] I. Kantor, J. Matoušek, R. Šámal: Mathematics++ (should be available in the library)
[W] T.B. Ward: Functional analysis lecture notes

Covered material

(For illustration, see the web page of last edition of this class.)
18. 2.[IK] Motivation for why we need the notion of Lebesgue measure (i.e., a generalization of the length of an interval to more general sets): integrating more exotic functions, probability. Four natural properties that we would like this measure to satisfy (it is defined on all subsets of reals, for intervals it agrees with their length, it is translation invariant and countably additive) . Definition of outer Lebesgue measure and proof that it has three-and-half of the four properties: instead of countable additivity, we could prove only countable subadditivity. Sadly, there is a counterexample to countable additivity: the Vitali set. And tragically, it can be proved our whole task is hopeless: that no set function on \(\mathbb{R}\) satisfies all 4 properties. We give up on the first property, define (Lebesgue) measurable sets and restrict the outer measure to this family. Definition of \(\sigma\)-algebra and mentioned that measurable sets form a \(\sigma\)-algebra (proof left as an exercise). Definition of smallest \(\sigma\)-algebra generated by a set. Borel sets. Mentioned that Borel sets are measurable (proof left as an exercise). [KMS], 1.1