Prg2 04.04.2023 0. Delagates 0.1 Copy Adams delagate example and run it 0.2 Create comparator of two Cells class by their mass value 0.2.2 Inherit from Comparator, create array of Cell 1.Events 1.1. Copy and make runnable Adams note (Mar 20) Event example 1.2. Add/create (not change current event) next new event to the event registr in Adams note (Mar 20) example (copy a ready the example), that: a) check input: if the input is value bigger than 10, print this value with waring; if not do nothing note: events is a collector of "functions" not only reference to one function b) if the input is value bigger than 10 limit, change it to value 10 3. GIT repo a započtový program: 4. Adam Week 4 Exercise - Polynomial 2 6. StackOverflow exception generic 8. (volitelne) Velikonoce