Prg 2 EN - 20.02.2023 2. Exercise 0. Create Hello world code in Visual Studio 1. Create a init int var i to value 7 and print to console; 1.1 Change var i to value 8 and print to console 1.2 Print i,j var on console - co se stane kdyz pristoupim (print) k neinicializovane hodnote - int over flow; no exception? 1.3 How long is long int in Python vs C#? 1.4 Basic types of variables - programiz 3. Arrays - 1D: declare, create, init, access; iterate array for and foreach loop; outOfBoundaries exception 4. Functions 3.2 Ex: write function that count average value of given array * static vs new class * explicit retype from int division to flout - different results 5. Array - 2D: declare, create, init, access; iterate array for and foreach loop 5.2 Write the function reshape that: - reshape 1D array to 2D array - reads int 1D array and int k value, and reshape 1D array to 2D array with k colomns (assume: 1D array length is l=n*k; that means l is dividable by the k) * int[ , ] reshape(int[] arr, int k) * 1D arr -> 2D resp. int[] -> int[,] * example: k=3; arr = {1,2,3,4,5,6} reshape to the 2D array arr2D = {{1,2,3},{4,5,6}} 5.3 reshapeJagged(int[] arr, int[] rowsLenght) - modification of neshape function that create jugged array given lengths (value k is replaced with array of lengths of rows) (assume: rowLength_1 + rowLength_2 + rowLength_3 = arr.Length)