Czech version

Jiří Fiala


Office address: Department of Applied Mathematics (KAM)
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University,
  Malostranské nám. 25
  Praha 1, 118 00
  Czech Republic
Email address:
Phone: +420 - 951 554 322
Peace for Ukraine Jiri Fiala
Photo by xax

Teaching summer term 2024-2025

Personal information

Education: 1991 - 1997, Charles University - graduated at Master degree (Mgr.) in 1997
  1997 - 2000, Charles University - graduated at Doctor degree (PhD.) in 2000
Prsent occupation since 2008, associate professor at Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Past occupation 2000 - 2008, research and teaching assistant at Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
  2000 - 2001, postdoc at University of Kiel, Germany
  2001 - 2002, postdoc at University of Bergen, Norway
  2012 - 2013, Fulbright fellow at University of Oregon, Eugene, U.S.A.

Research interests

  1. Graph algorithms and their complexity
  2. Restricted graph classes - bounded width, topological restrictions, geometric intersection graphs
  3. Algebraic graph theory - homomorphisms and covering projections
  4. Graph coloring and distance labeling
  5. Hamiltonian properties


List of publications

Full list of publications (2023).

Majority of my papers (including bibliographic information) is available via DBLP Bibliography Server.

For citation reports see my records at

Below are my papers that are not available via DBLP:

Lecture notes